Issue - items at meetings - Adult Care & Health Finance Report
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Adult Care & Health Finance Report
Meeting: 17/06/2013 - Adult Care & Health Committee (Item 11)
Report of Director of Finance (copy attached).
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(1) That the provisional outturn position for Adult Services and NHS Trust Managed S75 Budgets be noted.
(2) That budget information for Adult Services and NHS Trust Managed S75 Budgets, and Public Health for the 2013/14 financial year be noted.
(3) That the proposed reporting timetable be agreed and that the committee receive a S75 performance report as indicated to avoid duplication.
11.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Finance & Resources which set out the provisional outturn position for the 2012/13 financial year for Adult Services and NHS Trust Managed S75 Budgets as reported to Policy & Resources on 13 June 2013. The report also provided further detail on the agreed 2013/14 budget for Adult Services, NHS Trust Managed S75 Budgets and Public Health. The report was presented by the Head of Business Engagement.
11.2 Councillor Mears asked for an explanation of the following. A) page 137 – Explanation of Key Variances in relation to Craven Vale conversion works and Adult Social Care vehicles. B) Page 138 – Corporate Critical – Community Care Budget Learning Disabilities on impact of underspend on home provision. C) Provider Services – the cost of improvements to Windlesham Road. D) Page 139 – Vacant posts. How many were there within the directorate? E) Page 142 – Learning Disability Accommodation. Was the capital budget £354,000 for Windlesham Road? F) Page 144 – Support & Intervention Teams (over 65). There was a saving of £1,640,000 in relation to reducing residential care and using sheltered accommodation and extra care housing. Where had these conversations gone? G) Page 144 – Community Care – A stretch target had been included. What did this mean? H) Page 145 - Learning Disabilities – to develop proposals to implement the learning disabilities accommodation and support strategy and consult on the options. Councillor Mears said she was concerned and asked if this meant more homes could be closed.
11.3 The Head of Business Engagement explained as follows. A) The contribution of £0.348m was made in the last financial year and set aside for proposed conversion works at Craven Vale. The £0.250m for ASC vehicles was funded from the revenue budget. Councillor Mears asked for a breakdown of which type of vehicles. The Head of Business Engagement confirmed that she would send this information to the Committee.
11.4 The Head of Business Engagement confirmed that B) Learning Disabilities were reporting an underspend of £1.647m in the last financial year. This was not related to the learning disabilities accommodation strategy. There were reduced costs as a result of renegotiating a contract. C) the Windelsham Road figures were within the Learning Disabilities Accommodation budget. She could send these to the Committee. D) Vacant Posts – This was an exercise carried out as part of the budget position. This particularly referred to the Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust (SPFT) robust vacancy management. E) Learning Disability Accommodation – The figure of £354,000 would include learning disability accommodation. The Executive Director of Adult Social Services said she would send Councillor Mears a breakdown.
11.5 The Director of Adult Social Services explained that with regard to F) Page 144 – Support & Intervention Teams. This section was referring to sheltered accommodation. There was a report on Extra Care later on the agenda. This was an ambitious target and officers were looking at a range of provision in the city. G) Page 144 – Community Care – Adult Services were asked to deliver £500k additional savings over and above the original Community Care budget target of £1,748,000 through accelerating this work. H) Page 145 – Learning Disabilities. This was a continuation of the current proposals and showed the full year effect.
11.6 Councillor Mears stated that councillors had been informed that there was a £1m pressure, yet there was clearly an underspend and savings were being made. Councillor Mears asked for more information on the pressures and underspend. The Head of Business Engagement explained that there had been an underspend in the last financial year. A targeted budget management report for 2013/14 would be submitted to the Policy & Resources Committee. At that point there would be a report on delivering 2013/14 savings. This information would then be submitted to the Adult Care & Health Committee. Councillor Mears stated that she would like to see a breakdown of savings with and without the service pressure funding in future reports.
11.7 Councillor Meadows referred to page 138 Corporate Critical – Community care under 65’s. She asked if the introduction of Universal Credit would have an impact on vulnerable people. Councillor Meadows referred to page 145 referred to total savings of £5,574,000. Councillor Meadows was concerned that the level of savings would start affecting the council’s ability to provide a safe service for people.
11.8 The Head of Adults Assessment stated that officers were tracking and mapping data to estimate the impact of the changes. There were major changes for families with children. The Head of Adults Assessment said he would send Councillor Meadows the figures when mapping was in place.
11.9 Councillor Meadows informed members that she had had calls from residents who had little money and would fall into the service soon. The Head of Adults Provider stated that revenue and benefits should be contacted initially. People would then need to access the Welfare Rights Service and be referred to Adult Social Care.
11.10 The Executive Director of Adult Social Care explained that the total adult services savings was £5,574,000. There had been a reduction in budget year on year. She stressed the need to carry out more preventative work and support housing initiatives.
11.11 Councillor Meadows remarked that at the last meeting £400,000 extra care housing was not accounted for as a pressure. The Executive Director informed members that the savings had been made from the Community Care Budget.
11.12 The Chair stated that there was a need to ask the Welfare Reform Programme Board to look at the issues raised. People affected might need third sector support.
11.13 RESOLVED - (1) That the provisional outturn position for Adult Services and NHS Trust Managed S75 Budgets be noted.
(2) That budget information for Adult Services and NHS Trust Managed S75 Budgets, and Public Health for the 2013/14 financial year be noted.
(3) That the proposed reporting timetable be agreed and that the committee receive a S75 performance report as indicated to avoid duplication.