Issue - items at meetings - Employability for Young People in Care and Care Leavers - Update
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Employability for Young People in Care and Care Leavers - Update
Meeting: 13/06/2013 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 8)
8 Employability for Young People in Care and Care Leavers - Update PDF 74 KB
Report of the Executive Director for Children’s Services (copy attached).
Additional documents:
That the Committee agree to 5 ring-fenced apprenticeships for young people in care and young people leaving care within the Brighton & Hove Apprenticeship Scheme.
That the Committee agree to guaranteed interviews for all apprenticeships within the Brighton & Hove Apprenticeship Scheme if the young people meet the necessary criteria.
That the Committee note the assessment and support package for young people in care and leaving care to support entry into employment and training.
8.1 The Chief Executive introduced the report which provided an update on the progress made with regard to work placements and apprenticeships within the council and its partners for young people in care and leaving care. She noted that the council had a nationally benchmarked assessment and support process to enhance young people in care and leaving care to have a successful transition into employment and training. The intention was to guarantee 5 ring-fenced apprenticeships within the council and interviews for all apprenticeships if the young people met the necessary criteria. She also noted that the revised Corporate Parenting Board was to be chaired by the Leader of the Council and she would also attend its meetings, as a mark of recognition for the council’s corporate responsibility to looked after children.
8.2 Councillor A. Norman welcomed the report and the commitment to looked after children and stated that she supported the ring fencing of a number of apprenticeships for young people within the council. She also hoped that the council could work with partner organisations to encourage them to run similar schemes.
8.3 Councillor Shanks stated that she would take the suggestion on board and discuss it with officers. She welcomed the report and saw it as a first step for the council to take forward and hoped that it would prove to be successful.
8.4 Councillor Randall stated that it was a good start and noted that other organisations already offered help and assistance to young people and also noted that the number of children in care had gone down by 10%. However he believed that the council did need to provide opportunities to young people and fully supported the proposal.
8.5 Councillor Peltzer Dunn queried how the 5 apprenticeships would be determined and whether this was the maximum number that would be offered.
8.6 The Chief Executive stated that it was a minimum number that would be identified within the authority and noted that not all young people would be seeking an apprenticeship. The aim was to be able to offer at least 5 apprenticeships but also to ensure that any young person meeting the criteria for a post would be guaranteed an interview.
8.7 Councillor Morgan welcomed the report and stated that he was pleased to see cross-party support for looked after children.
8.8 The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendations to the vote.
(1) That 5 ring-fenced apprenticeships for young people in care and young people leaving care within the Brighton & Hove Apprenticeship Scheme be agreed;
(2) That guaranteed interviews for all apprenticeships within the Brighton & Hove Apprenticeship Scheme if the young people meet the necessary criteria be agreed; and
(3) That the assessment and support package for young people in care and leaving care to support entry into employment and training be noted.