Issue - items at meetings - Connexions Procurement

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Issue - meetings

Connexions Procurement

Meeting: 21/07/2008 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 18)

18 Connexions Procurement pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).


RESOLVED – That the Director of Children’s Services be given delegated authority to enter into the Connexions IAG Contract including the provision of an indemnity sought by Prospects in relation to the pension deficit associated with the staff transferring to them, following consultation with the Chairman of the CYPT Board.


18.1       The Board considered a report from the Director of Children’s Services relating to the Connexions Procurement (for copy see minute book).


18.2       The Assistant Director explained that arrangements needed to be finalised by September 2008. She indicated that the alternative option to the recommendations put forward would be to bring the service back in house and this was not a preferred option.


18.3       John O’Sullivan enquired what caused the shortfalls indicated in the report. The Reward & Workforce Planning Manager clarified that this was due to pension fund investment performance over a period of time.


18.4       Dr Hulton thought that further discussions needed to take place in order to prevent the same situation from happening again. The Assistant Director explained that the contract terms between Brighton & Hove City Council and Prospects will ensure that Brighton & Hove does not find itself in the same circumstance in 3 years’ time.


18.5       The Board requested that, once it was known how much the shortfall would be, that it be reported to the Board for information.


18.6       RESOLVED – That the Director of Children’s Services be given delegated authority to enter into the Connexions IAG Contract including the provision of an indemnity sought by Prospects in relation to the pension deficit associated with the staff transferring to them, following consultation with the Chairman of the CYPT Board.


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