Issue - items at meetings - Adult Care Performance Report
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Adult Care Performance Report
Meeting: 23/09/2013 - Adult Care & Health Committee (Item 25)
25 Adult Care Performance Report PDF 81 KB
Report of Executive Director of Adult Social Services (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Adult Care Performance Report, item 25
- Enc. 2 for Adult Care Performance Report, item 25
PDF 69 KB View as HTML (25/3) 87 KB
- Enc. 3 for Adult Care Performance Report, item 25
PDF 36 KB View as HTML (25/4) 59 KB
(1) That the Committee’s comments on performance in relation to the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework 2012/13 be noted.
25.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Adult Services concerning the progress made in relation to implementing the significant changes to the adult social care performance framework that had been introduced by the Department of Health. The Head of Contracts & Performance set out the report which provided comparative data for the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) relating to 2012-13 performance.
25.2 The Head of Contracts & Performance explained that the Zero Based Review was concluded following consultation and Councils received guidance in May 2013 regarding future national reporting requirements commencing for the year 2014/15. This would require significant changes across various parts of the council and a dedicated project board was in place to oversee this. In the interim councils would be required to provide national data returns as previous for 2013/14.
25.3 Members were informed that the second Local Account (“How are we doing”) was produced. Feedback had been very positive and the document was a significant improvement on the first publication.
25.4 The First City Summit was held in June 2013. There was full attendance from 80 service users/carers and citizens. Appendix 1 of the report provided a summary of feedback from those who attended.
25.5 Based on the analysis of service user and carer surveys, that formed the heart of the Local Account, the Council joined the Making it Real Programme and published an action plan on the Making it Real national site.
25.6 The Council continued to report its performance in relation to the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF). Performance for 2012/13 was detailed in Appendix 2 of the report. Appendix 3 provided additional data regarding year on year performance. Good and positive outcomes were indicated in most areas however the outcomes from the Carer’s survey were relatively disappointing compared to other comparator councils. An analysis of all available information about carer’s services was being collated and would be presented to the senior management team in adult social care in September to inform improvement planning.
25.7 Councillor Norman thanked the Head of Contracts & Performance on the in depth report.
25.8 The Chair asked for an early indication back to the next Committee regarding the outcomes of the Carer’s Survey.
25.9 RESOLVED (1) That the Committee’s comments on performance in relation to the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework 2012/13 be noted.