Issue - items at meetings - Targeted Budget Management (TBM 7)

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Issue - meetings

Targeted Budget Management (TBM 7)

Meeting: 21/01/2014 - Audit & Standards Committee (Item 68)

68 Targeted Budget Management (TBM 7) pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Additional documents:


Meeting: 05/12/2013 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 75)

75 Targeted Budget Management (TBM 7) pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Report of the Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)               That the total forecast outturn position for the General Fund, which has an overspend of £2.045m be noted.  This consists of £1.762m on council controlled budgets and £0.283m on the council’s share of the NHS managed Section 75 services;


(2)               That the forecast outturn for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which has an underspend of £0.237m be noted;


(3)               That the forecast outturn position for the Dedicated Schools Grant which has an underspend of £0.629m be noted;


(4)               That the forecast outturn position on the capital programme be noted; and


(5)               That the following changes to the capital programme be approved:


i)       The variations and reprofiles in Appendix 3 and the new schemes as set out in Appendix 4.


75.1         The Executive Director for Finance & Resources introduced the report, which set out the forecast outturn position at Month 7.  She noted that the underlying overspend on council controlled budgets was £2.349m and that a significant part related to the Adult Social Care budget which had seen an increase in pressures.  The Children’s Services Budget was showing an underspend and whilst a the Value For Money programme had a shortfall, plans had been put in place to enable it to deliver its targets in the next financial year.  She stated that officers were working hard to address the situation and action was being put in place to seek to improve the overall budgetary position by the year end.


75.2         Councillor Littman welcomed the report and the work that was in hand to address to the forecast overspend and hoped that a balanced position could be achieved by the end of the financial year.


75.3         Councillor Hamilton noted that improvements to service budgets forecasts had improved but expressed his concern over the Adult Social Care budget.  He also noted that there were a number of vacant posts being held within the Child Safeguarding Team and queried whether sufficient resources were in place to protect children in care.  He also asked if any clarification was available in respect of the potential £1m cost to the council for prescription charges.


75.4         The Executive Director for Children’s Services stated that a number of vacancies were being held as the case work level for the social work team had been maintained and the numbers of children that they worked with had started to reduce.  However, officers were mindful of their responsibilities and would monitor the situation carefully.


75.5         The Executive Director for Finance & Resources stated that she was not able to give any further update on the possible charge for prescriptions but noted that lobbying on this matter was taking place at a national level.


75.6         Councillor A. Norman stated that she was concerned by the size of the overspend forecast and questioned whether any action had been taken to recover the costs of fly-tipping by Travellers.  She also noted that the overspend on ICT remained high and that a further £750k was proposed to be put into ICT in the Budget report.  She asked whether a report could be brought to the next committee detailing the various changes that had been required by the Cabinet Office and the options on the provision of equipment and service for Members to consider.  She was concerned about the changes in relation to the voluntary severance scheme and asked for an update on Craven Vale.  Finally, she hoped that the coastal communities fund bid for the Volks Railway would be successful.


75.7         The Executive Director for Adult Social Care stated that the possibility for Craven Vale Day Centre to be used for the provision of recovery beds was not being taken forward, however it was being looked at as part of the provision for Extra Care.


75.8         The Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing stated that officers were working closely with the police in regard to minimising the impact of fly-tipping.  He noted that a contract had been agreed with City Clean to clear waste at the Travellers Horsdean site which he hoped would result in an improvement.


75.9         The Assistant Chief Executive stated that it was hoped to receive notification on the outcome of the bid to the coastal communities fund in January in regard to the Volks Railway.


75.10    The Executive Director for Finance & Resources stated that the ICT service had faced a range of challenges in the recent months, primarily resulting from changes required by the Cabinet Office and Information Commissioner’s Office.  In view of the need to take on board the required changes and adapt systems to constant changes to the requirements additional costs had resulted.  She noted that the SE7 (South East 7 group of authorities) were lobbying the Cabinet Office to get agreement and clarity on what was necessary in terms of IT security for council systems.  There had been difficulties experienced by Members and officers as a result of the Firewall that was provided by Vodafone as required by the Cabinet Office, which officers were seeking to address with Vodafone.  She also noted that there had been under-investment in ICT over the years and this was now being addressed.  However, she was happy to bring a report to the next meeting on the overall position in regard to ICT.


75.11    Councillor G. Theobald noted that there was an under-achievement of £324k for off-street parking income and suggested that a review of charges was necessary if this was to be rectified.  He also queried how it was intended to get details of customer activity in relation to the use of off-street parking.


75.12    The Chair stated that the overall parking budget was in balance and that usage was monitored and reported to committee on a regular basis.  He then put the recommendations to the vote.


75.13    RESOLVED:


(1)         That the total forecast outturn position for the General Fund, which has an overspend of £2.045m be noted.  This consists of £1.762m on council controlled budgets and £0.283m on the council’s share of the NHS managed Section 75 services;


(2)         That the forecast outturn for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which has an underspend of £0.237m be noted;


(3)         That the forecast outturn position for the Dedicated Schools Grant which has an underspend of £0.629m be noted;


(4)         That the forecast outturn position on the capital programme be noted; and


(5)         That the following changes to the capital programme be approved:


i)       The variations and reprofiles in Appendix 3 and the new schemes as set out in Appendix 4.


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