Issue - items at meetings - Finance Report- S75 arrangements

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Issue - meetings

Finance Report- S75 arrangements

Meeting: 23/09/2013 - Adult Care & Health Committee (Item 22)

22 Finance Report- S75 arrangements pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Report of Executive Director for Finance & Resources & Finance Director, CCG (copy attached).


(1)       That the financial position on the NHS Managed S75 Budgets for the 2013/14 financial year be noted.



22.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Finance & Resources and the Finance Director CCG which set out the financial position on the NHS Trust Managed S75 Provider Budgets in 2013/14.  The Head of Business Engagement presented the report.  The table in paragraph 3.2 of the report showed the contributions to the partnership for 2013/14.  Paragraph 3.3 reported on overspends in mental health and the Integrated Equipment Store.  The CCG contracts with SCT and SPFT were currently forecast to break even.


22.2    George Mack stated that a growth in dementia cases would be expected, yet the budget allocated to dementia was declining.  He thought it would be helpful to consider if that needed to be addressed.  Mr Mack referred to paragraph 3.3 which stated that the forecast assumed 867 service users were receiving community care during the year.  He asked if this was a total of dementia and mental health service users.    


22.3    The Head of Business Engagement explained that WTE (Whole Time Equivalents) was a way of calculating the cost of people who might be receiving services for part of the year. The budget projectory on dementia was the budgeted level of activity.  The total forecast number of service users in 2013/14 is estimated at 877.


22.4    Councillor Bowden asked whether there was a model to arrive at budget figures.  He expressed concern that the budget allocated for dementia was less than in 2011/12 when incidents were increasing.  He asked what would happen to people if the budget was exceeded.


22.5    The Head of Adults Assessment stressed that the costs of complex needs in mental health was high.  The budget for dementia had been contained for the last few years and an increase was not expected.   Adult Social Care had a duty to meet people’s assessed need.  If the budget was overspent, then money would have to be found from elsewhere.


22.6    The Executive Director informed members that more people were being placed in dementia care.  She explained that officers are exploring using more community and domiciliary services to meet needs in a more personalised way and at a lower cost.    


22.7    Councillor Mears asked if there was a record of how many people went into residential care, and how many were housing association tenants/council tenants or were from private or rented accommodation.


22.8    The Head of Adults Assessment confirmed that the Care First Data Base would be able to break down this information. 


22.9    Councillor Mears replied that a breakdown would be useful.  She asked how this information was fed back to Housing Services.  The Head of Adults Assessment explained that Adult Social Care had a good relationship with Housing Services.  If a tenant did not have capacity, Housing Services had to go through a legal process to terminate the tenancy. 


22.10  The Chair asked for the data to be supplied for the next meeting. 


22.11  RESOLVED - (1)      That the financial position on the NHS Managed S75 Budgets for the 2013/14 financial year be noted.



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