Issue - items at meetings - Finance Report TBM5
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Finance Report TBM5
Meeting: 25/11/2013 - Adult Care & Health Committee (Item 36)
36 Finance Report at TBM5 PDF 85 KB
Report of Executive Director of Finance & Resources (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Finance Report TBM5, item 36 PDF 183 KB
- Enc. 2 for Finance Report TBM5, item 36 PDF 24 KB
(1) That the financial position for the 2013/14 financial year as reported at TBM5 (August 2013) be noted.
36.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Finance & Resources which set out the financial position on Adult Services, NHS Trust Managed S75 Budgets and Public Health budgets as assessed at August 2013. The Head of Business Engagement reported that she would include more information on capital in the TBM7 report.
36.2 Councillor Meadows referred to the section on the Corporate Critical Community Care Budget (older people), relating to extra care. She asked if the overspend would leave people in unsatisfactory accommodation. Councillor Meadows asked for more information about projected shortfalls in residents’ contributions (Adult Provider). Councillor Meadows asked about the NHS overspend in adult mental health. How could further pressures be predicted? There was a further pressure in community equipment and options on service models reported to the Committee in September. Councillor Meadows asked how further growth could be funded. She asked how the £1m risk on prescribing costs would affect the Section 75 budget and public health. Councillor Meadows asked why there was a small pressure in civil contingences. She asked if this was due to severe winter weather pressures.
36.3 The Executive Director explained that people would still be placed in suitable accommodation, the placement would be based on their assessed needs. It was difficult to predict the client contribution. This varied as people were not financially assessed until they required the service, the budget assumption is based on previous trends. There was a 9% growth pressure in mental health and more people were entering the service making it difficult to predict. There would be a need for more supported living. With regard to the Integrated Community Equipment Store, there was a need to think about supporting more people at home. There would be further report about this matter.
36.4 The Head of Business Engagement informed members that there was a small staffing pressure against the civil contingencies budget. Civil Contingencies was a Public Health function. The Chair stated that the Director of Public Health could be asked to give a briefing on this matter. On this query on prescribing costs officers have gone back to the local assumptions agreed with health in setting the 2013/14 budget – prescribing costs were not included in the calculations of grant. Negotiations were taking place with Public Health England.
36.5 Councillor Norman referred to prescription costs. He asked when and how this matter would be resolved. The Head of Business Engagement stated that this matter had been highlighted at the Policy & Resources Committee. It was a national issue. An update would be provided at the next meeting.
36.6 Councillor Mears referred to vacancy management. She asked how many vacancies had been offered as budget savings. The Executive Director stated that she did not have figures to hand but could share the figures later.
36.7 Councillor Summers referred to the Community Care Budget (Older People). She asked if the 1.64m saving target was for the whole year. The Head of Business Engagement confirmed that the variances were for the whole year as at month 5. There had been a 1.3m overspend. There was a 1.64 saving target which was unlikely to be achieved. This would be partly offset by other savings.
36.8 Councillor Mears stated that only way to reduce the 1.64m deficit would be to change 30 housing units to extra care housing. Unless the budget projection changed the deficit would be carried forward. The Chair stated that this matter would be dealt when the budget was considered.
36.9 RESOLVED - (1) That the financial position for the 2013/14 financial year as reported at TBM5 (August 2013) be noted.