Issue - items at meetings - Day Activities Review Progress Report 25 November 2013
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Day Activities Review Progress Report 25 November 2013
Meeting: 25/11/2013 - Adult Care & Health Committee (Item 39)
39 Day Activities Review Progress Report 25 November 2013 PDF 72 KB
Report of Executive Director of Adult Services (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Day Activities Review Progress Report 25 November 2013, item 39 PDF 67 KB View as HTML (39/2) 100 KB
- Enc. 2 for Day Activities Review Progress Report 25 November 2013, item 39 PDF 67 KB View as HTML (39/3) 98 KB
(1) That it is noted that, in consultation with the Chair of Adult Care & Health Committee, the Executive Director of Adult Services used her constitutional Delegated Authority on 5th November 2013 to approve the relocation of the Connaught Day Service to the Belgrave Day Options base in Portslade following consideration of the outcomes from the formal consultation.
(2) That the outcomes of the social care assessments be noted.
39.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Adult Services which focused on the consultation about the relocation of the Connaught day service and also provided information about the outcomes of the individual social care assessments that have been undertaken as part of the Day Activity Review. The report was presented by the Commissioning Manager, Learning Disabilities and the General Manager, Learning Disability Provider Services. Members were informed that 38 assessments had been carried out to date. The assessments were summarised in appendix 2. Appendix 1 set out the analysis of the consultation about the move of the Connaught Day Service to the Belgrave Day Options Base in Portslade. A paper setting out case studies was also made available to members.
39.2 Councillor Norman asked about ongoing work and particularly mentioned the art project moving to Montague Place. He thanked the officers for their involvement in the project. The Executive Director replied that a more detailed report would be submitted to the January 2014 meeting of the committee in terms of day activities.
39.3 Councillor Meadows referred to paragraph 3.3.1 which stated that no specific concerns had been raised during the consultation period. She reported that not all carers had been consulted and some carers had only been given 2 hours notice to attend a carers’ meeting. Councillor Meadows considered that the consultation document gave the impression everything had gone well when it did not go well.
39.4 Councillor Meadows referred to paragraph 5 of appendix 1 concerning the estimated costs of the building works at the Belgrave Day Options Base. She asked if the money would come from Children’s Services or Adult Social Care.
39.5 The Executive Director noted the issues raised by Councillor Meadows. She stated that lessons had been learnt from the process and officers were doing everything to ensure the process was managed smoothly. With regard to the budget, the estimated cost was £150,000. It had been agreed that £100,000 would be funded from Children’s Services. Adult Social Care would pay the difference.
39.6 Councillor Mears thanked officers for the report and said she had found the tour of sites interesting. She referred to paragraph 2.5 of the appendix relating to assessments. Councillor Mears noted that 2 people required an alternative service but no alternative service had been identified due to the complexity of need. Councillor Mears asked for an explanation of paragraph 2.7. This stated that 1 person had been assessed as needing an alternative service (to the Longer Lives service) but was waiting to identify someone to share the service with.
39.7 The Commissioning Manager, Learning Disabilities explained that for some people specialist input is required from, for example Psychology or the Behaviour Support Team around certain behaviours (paragraph 2.5). It might be necessary in this case to commission a specialist service for the 2 people concerned. With regard to Paragraph 2.7 officers want to maintain friendship groups and not leave people isolated. Once more assessments have been completed officers will ensure that individuals who have similar needs or interests are grouped together.
39.8 The Chair asked for a further update on the two people mentioned in paragraph 2.5, where specialist support was required.
39.9 Councillor Summers noted that 20 people with complex needs currently used the Connaught Learning Disability Day Options Service. 14 had been assessed. Did this mean 6 had not been assessed? Councillor Summers asked for clarification about the number of people moving to the Belgrave Day Options Base.
39.10 The General Manager, Learning Disability Provider Services explained that all assessments were now complete. 14 people had been identified as needing to move to the Belgrave Day Options Base.
39.11 RESOLVED - (1) That it is noted that, in consultation with the Chair of Adult Care & Health Committee, the Executive Director of Adult Services used her constitutional Delegated Authority on 5th November 2013 to approve the relocation of the Connaught Day Service to the Belgrave Day Options base in Portslade following consideration of the outcomes from the formal consultation.
(2) That the outcomes of the social care assessments be noted.