Issue - items at meetings - Business Rates Empty Property Re-occupation Incentive

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Issue - meetings

Business Rates Empty Property Re-occupation Incentive

Meeting: 12/09/2013 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 47)

47 Business Rates Empty Property Re-occupation Incentive pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Report of the Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1.         That the business rates Empty Property Occupation Discount scheme described in the report and specified in full at paragraphs 3.1 – 3.13 and Appendix 1 to the report be approved;


2.         That delegated authority be granted to the Executive Director for Finance & Resources:-


(i)                 to implement, manage and operate the scheme from 1 October 2013 or as soon as practicable thereafter, until 31 March 2015; and


(ii)               to take such measures in connection with the scheme as are needed to comply with relevant legislation and statutory guidance.


3.         That the Executive Director for Finance & Resources be instructed to review the effectiveness of the Discount Scheme after six months of operation and to report the findings to the Policy & Resources Committee, together with any recommended amendments.


47.1         The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Finance & Resources which detailed a proposed scheme for the creation of a localised Empty Property Occupation Discount.  She stated that there had been positive feedback from various organisations and local businesses on the proposed scheme and it was intended to introduce the scheme for a period of 6 months and to then report back to the committee on its implementation.


47.2         Councillor Littman welcomed the report and stated that he hoped the proposed scheme would benefit small to medium businesses in the city and see the use of empty properties increasing and therefore bring added benefits to the local economy.  He also wished to thank the officers concerned for their work in bringing the scheme forward.


47.3         Councillor G. Theobald welcomed the report and stated that it was an excellent example of enabling local businesses to benefit and develop.


47.4         Councillor A. Norman also welcomed the report and queried what would happen if the scheme proved to be successful and the funding set aside to support it ran out.


47.5         The Executive Director for Finance & Resources stated that if the scheme proved to be a success then it should become self-financing as it would generate business rate income in the long-term.  It was also a reason for the proposal to review the scheme and report back to the committee in 6-months time.


47.6         Councillor Hamilton welcomed the opportunity to encourage job creation in the city and hoped that it would see an increase in the number of small businesses that came into operation.


47.7         The Chair noted the comments and stated that property agents would be a key factor in highlighting the scheme and the opportunity to benefit from utilising an empty property.  He then put the recommendations to the vote.


47.8         RESOLVED:


1.         That the business rates Empty Property Occupation Discount scheme described in the report and specified in full at paragraphs 3.1 – 3.13 and Appendix 1 to the report be approved;


2.         That delegated authority be granted to the Executive Director for Finance & Resources:-


(i)           to implement, manage and operate the scheme from 1 October 2013 or as soon as practicable thereafter, until 31 March 2015; and


(ii)         to take such measures in connection with the scheme as are needed to comply with relevant legislation and statutory guidance.


3.         That the Executive Director for Finance & Resources be instructed to review the effectiveness of the Discount Scheme after six months of operation and to report the findings to the Policy & Resources Committee, together with any recommended amendments.


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