Issue - items at meetings - Connaught Day Service - Update Report

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Connaught Day Service - Update Report

Meeting: 23/09/2013 - Adult Care & Health Committee (Item 26)

26 Connaught Day Service - Update Report pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Report of Executive Director of Adult Social Services (copy attached).





(1)       That the Committee note the decision to consult users of the Connaught Day Service on the proposed relocation to Belgrave Day Options base in Portslade made by the Executive Director of Adult Services in consultation with the Committee Chair Cllr Jarrett and in accordance with Part 6 of the Constitution of the Council.




26.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Adult Services which reminded members that in 2012 the Children’s and Young People Committee received a report which recommended the expansion of West Hove Infant School to enable the council to help provide the increased number of primary school places required in the Hove area.  To facilitate this expansion the relocation of the Connaught Day Service for adults with learning disabilities would be required.  A report was submitted to Adult Care & Health Committee in June 2013 with proposals to consult on moving Connaught Day Service to Patcham House School. This option was withdrawn by Children’s Services prior to their Committee meeting on 16 July 2013. 


26.2    The General Manager, Learning Disability Provider Services explained that the revised proposal was that Connaught relocate to Belgrave Day Options base in Portslade in March 2014.  To facilitate the required 12 week consultation period, the Executive Director of Adult Services, in consultation with the Chair, used her constitutional delegated authority to approve the decision to consult regarding the proposed move.     


26.3    The General Manager explained that service users and their families would be familiar with the location of the Belgrave Day Options Base.  She further explained that officers were aware of the Shoreham Harbour Planning Scheme.  The General Manager had met with the project officer from the developers and it was possible that the scheme could raise positive options for the local authority in the future.  However, changes on the site would not be seen for about five years. 


26.4    The General Manager explained that there had been two carers meetings at the Belgrave site for family carers.  Officers were working closely with colleagues in Children’s Services.  Alterations to the building would need to be made but it was stressed that it was conjoined but separate from the equipment store.  All service users would be offered a reassessment of their needs. 


26.5    Councillor Meadows expressed concern that the consultation had not taken account of the parents and carers of the 20 service users.  She was aware of a family member who had not received a letter.  Councillor Meadows was concerned that assessments that took place would result in some service users not being able to transfer to the Belgrave Day Options base as their needs would not be considered severe enough. 


26.6    The General Manager explained that the consultation period did not end until October.  She was aware of the particular case mentioned by Councillor Meadows and it had been followed up.  Consultation letters were sent to the address where the service user lived.  Care homes had been asked to send information on to family members.  All information was now also being sent direct to parents/carers.  


26.7    The General Manager explained that the Connaught Centre had a wide range of different service users using the building.  There was a need to find the right mix of people for the Belgrave Day Options Base.  Some people might need to go to a different day option site where their needs would be better met.   


26.8    Councillor Mears expressed concern that some clients using the Connaught Centre who had a need might not transfer to the Belgrave Day Options Base following an assessment.  Councillor Mears stressed that members needed to be reassured that clients were referred to somewhere where their best interests were met. She stated that the committee needed to be informed of the numbers of service users who were finally referred to the Belgrave Day Options Base. She also asked for the Committee to be informed about what facilities were being made available for those who did not qualify for the Belgrave Day Options Base.


26.9    The Head of Adults Assessment explained that each service user would receive an individual assessment which would look at how to best meet their needs.   


26.10  The Executive Director confirmed that officers would report back to the committee and provide information concerning the current service users at the Connaught Centre.  Members would be informed where they were referred to and which services they received.     


26.11  Councillor Bowden stressed that the service users at the Connaught Centre were vulnerable people and needed familiarity.  He asked if there would be a transfer of information and if the new people in charge would be given the opportunity of meeting the service user beforehand.  


26.12    The General Manager confirmed that officers developed transitional plans for all service users.  Service users would be introduced to staff before transition.


26.13  Councillor Meadows mentioned that parents and carers had commented that service users receiving assessments were sometimes persuaded into accepting direct payments. The parents/carers were concerned that their love ones would lose out on funding as they would not be able to access council services. 


26.14  The Executive Director explained that service users could have a mix of direct payments and council services. Personalisation could be provided in a number of ways.  She stressed the importance of people understanding the different options.  The Executive Director stated that she wanted to ensure that every one understood the process by the end of the consultation period. 




26.15  RESOLVED - (1)      That the Committee note the decision to consult users of the Connaught Day Service on the proposed relocation to Belgrave Day Options base in Portslade made by the Executive Director of Adult Services in consultation with the Committee Chair Cllr Jarrett and in accordance with Part 6 of the Constitution of the Council.




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