Issue - items at meetings - City Plan Part 1 - New and Updated Background Studies
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City Plan Part 1 - New and Updated Background Studies
Meeting: 19/09/2013 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 27)
27 City Plan Part 1 - New and Updated Background Studies PDF 80 KB
Report of the Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).
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- Enc. 1 for City Plan Part 1 - New and Updated Background Studies, item 27 PDF 67 KB View as HTML (27/2) 48 KB
27.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director Environment, Development and Housing seeking approval of two studies which would provide evidence to underpin the submission of the City Plan Part One which was due to go to Examination in October; these were the Update on the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, September 2013 and the Employment Land Supply Delivery Trajectory, June 2013. It was also recommended that the Committee noted the content of the studies and gave delegated authority to agree two further studies which were being prepared, namely a study to assess the Cost of the Code for Sustainable Homes and Part 1 of the Whole Plan Viability Exercise Study.
27.7 RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee approves the Update to the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment September 2013 study and the Employment Land Supply Delivery Trajectory June 2013 study as supporting evidence for the City Plan Part One and other development plan documents and planning decisions; and
(2) That the Committee notes that two further studies are being prepared which will provide evidence to support policy on sustainable building at the City Plan Part One Examination, namely the Cost of Building to the Code for Sustainable Homes (Updated Cost Review 2013) and Part 1 of the Whole Plan Viability Exercise study and delegates authority to the Head of Planning & Public Protection in consultation with the Chair of Economic Development and Culture Committee to approve these two studies as supporting evidence for the City Plan Part One and other development plan documents and planning decisions
27.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director Environment, Development and Housing seeking approval of two studies which would provide evidence to underpin the submission of the City Plan Part One which was due to go to Examination in October; these were the Update on the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, September 2013 and the Employment Land Supply Delivery Trajectory, June 2013. It was also recommended that the Committee noted the content of the studies and gave delegated authority to agree two further studies which were being prepared, namely a study to assess the Cost of the Code for Sustainable Homes and Part 1 of the Whole Plan Viability Exercise Study.
27.2 Councillor Brown stated that whilst generally supportive of the planning brief she was unhappy that it was proposed that the two further studies currently being prepared were proposed to be dealt with under delegated authority. She understood the rationale on this occasion but considered that in future it would be preferable for such matters to be dealt with by the Committee and that this could be facilitated by arranging an urgency Sub Committee meeting if necessary. Councillor Mears concurred in that view
27.3 Councillors Brown and Mears also stated that they were unhappy that at paragraph2.2 of the report it was recommended that the Cost of Building to Sustainable Homes (Updated Cost Review 2013) and Part 1 of the Whole Plan Viability Exercise Study were to be agreed in consultation with the Chair under delegated authority. They understood the time constraints in this instance, but would have preferred if an urgency Sub Committee had been convened in order to agree these documents and hoped that this could be taken on board for the future.
27.4 The Head of Planning and Public Protection, noted the points made and explained that the City Plan Part One would be the main planning policy document within the Local Development Framework, the role of which would be to provide an overall strategic vision and policy framework for the city to 2030 and was required to comply with national policy and to be supported by a sound evidence base. The studies which were the subject of this report would provide evidence to support the City Plan at the examination hearing to take place between 22 October and 1 November. Whilst background studies did not determine policy they did inform the policy approach.
27.5 Councillor Morgan expressed concern regarding some of the figures cited as given the available space within the city constrained as it was by the downs and the sea; they would be difficult to achieve. The Head of Planning and Public Protection confirmed that this was recognised and this realisation informed the discussions which were taking place with neighbouring authorities in seeking to work together to achieve that end.
27.6 Councillor Hawtree welcomed the report citing the work that had gone into its preparation and which was on-going.
27.8 Councillor Fitch concurred with the views expressed by Councillor Morgan considering that it was important to encourage greater and more creative use of brown field sites.
27.9 The Chair, Councillor Bowden stated that it was recognised that with the housing waiting list alone standing at it’s current level, over 17,000 the authority would be unable to supply the level of additional housing required, this could only be achieved with the cooperation of neighbouring authorities.
27.10 RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee approves the Update to the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment September 2013 study and the Employment Land Supply Delivery Trajectory June 2013 study as supporting evidence for the City Plan Part One and other development plan documents and planning decisions; and
(2) That the Committee notes that two further studies are being prepared which will provide evidence to support policy on sustainable building at the City Plan Part One Examination, namely the Cost of Building to the Code for Sustainable Homes (Updated Cost Review 2013) and Part 1 of the Whole Plan Viability Exercise study and delegates authority to the Head of Planning & Public Protection in consultation with the Chair of Economic Development and Culture Committee to approve these two studies as supporting evidence for the City Plan Part One and other development plan documents and planning decisions