Issue - items at meetings - Brighton & Hove City Wide Maths Project Plan 2013/14
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Brighton & Hove City Wide Maths Project Plan 2013/14
Meeting: 14/10/2013 - Children & Young People Committee (Item 28)
28 Brighton & Hove City Wide Maths Project Plan 2013/14 PDF 79 KB
Report of the Executive Director, Children’s Services (copy attached)
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Brighton & Hove City Wide Maths Project Plan 2013/14, item 28 PDF 61 KB View as HTML (28/2) 60 KB
RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the summary of the Maths Project for the Year of Maths. This has been developed in partnership with a steering group of headteachers and maths specialists, representatives from the University of Brighton and the University of Sussex and a member of Her Majesty’s Inspectorate (HMI).
28.10 The Committee considered a report setting out an analysis of the maths outcomes in the city which had show that standards and progress in maths fell well below those nationally from Key Stage 2 onwards. As a result the 2013-14 academic year had been identified as he “Year of Maths and the Local Authority would be looking to raise standards and achievements in maths across the city.
28.11 Councillor Pissaridou welcomed this piece of work, especially the value added work that was taking place. Currently pupils started off well early in their school careers but their performance tended to drop off later on, this needed to be addressed.
28.12 Councillor A Kitcat referred to her earlier comments in relation to the differing ways in which pupils learned considering that this was particularly true of Maths where it could be beneficial for different approaches to be used.
28.13 RESOLVED - That the Committee notes the summary of the Maths project for the Year of Maths. This has been developed in partnership with a steering group of headteachers and maths specialists, representatives from the University of Brighton and the University of Sussex and a member of Her Majesty’s Inspectorate (HMI).