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Issues Raised by Members
Meeting: 23/01/2014 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 49)
49 Member Involvement PDF 76 KB
To consider the following matters raised by councillors:
(a) Petitions: to receive any petitions submitted to the full Council or at the meeting itself;
(b) Written Questions: to consider any written questions;
(c) Letters: to consider any letters – Letter received from Councillor K Norman (copy attached);
(d) Notices of Motion: to consider any Notices of Motion referred from Council or submitted directly to the Committee (copy attached).
Additional documents:
49a Petitions
49.1 There were none.
49b Written Questions
49.2 There were none.
49c Letters
Brighton Speed Trials
49.3 A letter received from Councillor K Norman had been circulated to Members with their agenda papers. Councillor Norman’s letter expressed his concern regarding potential refusal to grant landlord’s consent to enable the Brighton Speed Trials to take place on Madeira Drive in 2014.
49.3 Councillor Norman was permitted to speak for 3 minutes in support of his letter. It was noted that a report setting out four options for consideration by the Committee appeared at Item 51 on that days agenda and would be the subject of full discussion and debate.
49.4 Councillor Norman stated that he was seriously concerned that the Brighton and Hove Motor Club could be denied closure of Madeira Drive preventing them from running the Brighton National Speed Trials, a historic and world famous event. It was his understanding that refusal was likely to be recommended in consequence of the very unfortunate and extremely rare death of a participant which had occurred during the event in September 2012. The event was widely respected as evidenced by the huge number of signatures received on the petition in support of it, believed to be the highest number ever received. It was acknowledged as being organised and run to very stringent standards and it was very important to note that the Coroner had found no fault whatsoever with the organisers or the measures in place surrounding the event; there was no risk to Members of the public attending the event as spectators.
49.5 Councillor Norman also made reference to the financial benefits for the city which arose in consequence of the large number of visitors attending the event who used the services offered by local businesses located in the nearby Colonnade and elsewhere in the city. Councillor Norman stated that he considered it was very important that the tragic accident should be seen within the context of the facts surrounding it and the long and unblemished history and safety of this event.
49.6 RESOLVED – That the contents of Councillor K Norman’s letter be received and noted.
49d Notices of Motion
Brighton Speed Trials
49.7 A Notice of Motion by the Labour and Cooperative Group referred from the meeting of Full Council on 12 December 2013 had been circulated to Members for information with their papers for that days meeting.
49.8 RESOLVED - That the contents of the Labour and Cooperative Group Notice of Motion be received and noted.