Issue - items at meetings - Youth homelessness – housing for vulnerable young people

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Issue - meetings

Youth homelessness – housing for vulnerable young people

Meeting: 14/10/2013 - Children & Young People Committee (Item 31)

31 Housing and Support for Young People Aged 16 -15 Joint Commissioning Strategy pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Report of the Executive Director, Children’s Services (copy attached)

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the Committee approve the Housing and Support for Young People aged 16-25 Joint Commissioning Strategy;


(2)That the Committee approves the procurement of new services as outlined in section4.3 of the report; and


(3) That the Committee grants delegated authority to the Director of Children’s Services to award the contract following the recommendations of the evaluation panels and the results of the tendering processes.



31.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director. Children’s Services seeking their approval to the Housing and Support for Young People aged 16-25 Joint Commissioning Strategy set out in Appendix 1 to the report.


31.2    It was noted that a separate report had been and considered and agreed at the meeting of Housing Committee held on 25 September 2013. The Strategy followed the Housing and Support for Young People Needs Assessment prepared in October 2012 which had agreed an action plan based around 3 key strategic outcomes:

·        Increasing the numbers of young people prevented from homelessness;

·        Seeking to ensure that there is a more positive transition to adulthood through the provision of a young peoples’ accommodation and support pathway;

·        Better use of resources through a Joint Commissioning approach to accommodation and support for young people.


31.3    The Assistant Director, Stronger Families, Youth and Communities explained that the Department of Communities and local Government (DCLG) had been working with local authorities and national homelessness agencies to assist them to improve their response to young people who need housing and support. This includes the creation of a ‘Young Peoples’ accommodation pathway’. The concept of a local pathway had also been promoted in the Ministerial Working Group Report ‘Making Every Contact Count'. The pathway approach required and promoted an integrated approach across councils and with all agencies working with young people.


31.4    Councillor Pissaridou stated that this represented a valuable piece of work integrating as it did the work of a number of agencies in providing support to vulnerable young people within the 16-25 age group.


31.5    Councillor Wealls referred to the financial situation outlined in the report seeking clarification regarding where savings would come from. The Assistant Director explained that the total budgetary costs of provision had reduced from the previous year as a result of more efficient provision having been achieved. It was anticipated that further cost savings could be achieved in the current financial year as a result of a reduction in the number of high cost places and improved procurement.


31.6    RESOLVED – That the Committee approve the Housing and Support for Young People aged 16-25 Joint Commissioning Strategy;


(2)That the Committee approves the procurement of new services as outlined in section4.3 of the report; and


(3) That the Committee grants delegated authority to the Director of Children’s Services to award the contract following the recommendations of the evaluation panels and the results of the tendering processes.



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