Issue - items at meetings - Greater Brighton City Deal and Economic Board
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Greater Brighton City Deal and Economic Board
Meeting: 17/10/2013 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 59)
59 Greater Brighton City Deal and Economic Board PDF 223 KB
Report of the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).
Additional documents:
1. That the contents of the report be noted and the work of the City Deal Project Boards, to secure a City Deal agreement for the Greater Brighton City Region be endorsed;
2. That it be agreed that through the City Deal negotiation process, the Executive Director Environment Development & Housing in conjunction with the Director of Finance & Resources should enter into detailed negotiations with Government in relation to the New England House and Preston Barracks sites, in order to facilitate their development as Growth Hubs and to report back to Policy & Resources Committee on the implications and any necessary asset management and investment decisions; and
3. That it be recommended to Full Council on 30 January 2014 the establishment of the Greater Brighton Economic Board, details of which are set out in Appendix 2 of the report, to ‘go live’ in April 2014.
59.1 The Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing introduced the report which provided an update on the Greater Brighton City Deal bid to Government and details regarding the proposed Growth Hubs at Preston Barracks and New England House. He stated that good progress had been made and that officers were due to meet with government representatives on the 5th November. He also noted that the report outlined the establishment of a Greater Brighton Economic Board and that full proposals would be submitted to the January Council meeting following further negotiations with the prospective partner organisations that would form the Board.
59.2 The Head of Law noted that there were likely to be a number of amendments to the terms of reference for the proposed Board, which was why it was recommended that a further report be taken to the Council meeting in January.
59.3 Councillor G. Theobald welcomed the report and stated that the Conservative Group fully supported the proposals for the Greater Brighton City Deal and the establishment of the Board and noted that Sussex and Surrey equated to the fifth largest economy in the whole of the European Union.
59.4 Councillor Morgan stated that it was a significant development which had complex relationships across the council and with other organisations. He noted that the council’s representation for the Board only held two places for the city council and sought assurance that all parties would be included and engaged in some way.
59.5 The Chair noted the comments and that all other organisation only had one representative on the Board. However, he accepted that consideration needed to be given as to how all parties were included and noted that observer status was one option that was being looked at. It was going to be a new way of working and one that could result in many benefits to the city and it was therefore important that it was taken forward. He then put the recommendations to the vote.
(1) That the contents of the report be noted and the work of the City Deal Project Boards, to secure a City Deal agreement for the Greater Brighton City Region be endorsed;
(1) That it be agreed that through the City Deal negotiation process, the Executive Director Environment Development & Housing in conjunction with the Director of Finance & Resources should enter into detailed negotiations with Government in relation to the New England House and Preston Barracks sites, in order to facilitate their development as Growth Hubs and to report back to Policy & Resources Committee on the implications and any necessary asset management and investment decisions; and
(2) That it be recommended to Full Council on 30 January 2014 the establishment of the Greater Brighton Economic Board, details of which are set out in Appendix 2 of the report, to ‘go live’ in April 2014.