Issue - items at meetings - Falmer Released Land & Site Adjacent to Community Stadium
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Falmer Released Land & Site Adjacent to Community Stadium
Meeting: 17/10/2013 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 60)
60 Falmer Released Land & Site Adjacent to Community Stadium PDF 314 KB
Joint report of the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing and the Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached).
Additional documents:
1. That the Executive Director Environment Development & Housing, Executive Director Finance & Resources and Head of Law be authorised to enter into negotiations with The Community Stadium Limited (“TCSL”) regarding the proposed redevelopment of the Falmer Released Land, as shown on the annexed plan, with TCSL and to agree that proposed Heads of Terms are brought back to the Committee for final approval; and
2. That the Executive Director Environment Development & Housing, Executive Director Finance & Resources and Head of Law be authorised to enter into negotiations with TCSL regarding the proposed construction of a hotel on the land adjacent to the Community Stadium shown on the annexed plan and to agree that proposed Heads of Terms are brought back to the Committee for final approval.
60.1 The Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing introduced the report, which detailed proposals submitted by The Community Stadium Ltd, in relation to the redevelopment of the Falmer Released Land site and the construction of a new hotel on a site adjacent to the Stadium.
60.2 The Chair noted the information and asked whether a further report would be brought to the committee if progress on the proposals was made.
60.3 Councillor Morgan welcomed the report and stated that he believed the proposals would benefit the city and therefore hoped that progress would be made a further report brought to committee. He also asked that ward councillors be included in any consultation and kept updated on discussions as they progressed.
60.4 Councillor G. Theobald stated that the proposals made good sense and were in the best interests of the city and the club. He hoped that an agreement could be reached and the proposals taken forward.
60.5 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.
(1) That the Executive Director Environment Development & Housing, Executive Director Finance & Resources and Head of Law be authorised to enter into negotiations with The Community Stadium Limited (“TCSL”) regarding the proposed redevelopment of the Falmer Released Land, as shown on the annexed plan, with TCSL and to agree that proposed Heads of Terms are brought back to the Committee for final approval; and
(2) That the Executive Director Environment Development & Housing, Executive Director Finance & Resources and Head of Law be authorised to enter into negotiations with TCSL regarding the proposed construction of a hotel on the land adjacent to the Community Stadium shown on the annexed plan and to agree that proposed Heads of Terms are brought back to the Committee for final approval.