Issue - items at meetings - Integrated Community Equipment Service
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Integrated Community Equipment Service
Meeting: 20/01/2014 - Adult Care & Health Committee (Item 52)
52 Integrated Community Equipment Service PDF 116 KB
Report of the Executive Director Adult Services (copy attached).
(1) That It be noted that B&HCC and the CCG will be named in the OJEU contract notice published by WSCC as an authority that may utilise the contractual arrangements that WSCC will put in place, during the life of the contract; and that whilst this provides an opportunity to benefit from the procurement process run by WSCC, this does not mean a commitment on the part of B&HCC or the CCG to purchase any particular services.
(2) That it be agreed that Commissioners continue to work closely with SCT to enable B&HCC and the CCG to measure their current performance against the targets in the service specification and also to identify accurate unit costs and the costs of an alternative building, as set out in section 4 of the report.
(3) That a report updating members be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee.
52.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Adult Services which provided an update on the joint work that is taking place between Brighton & Hove City Council, Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group and Sussex Community NHS Trust to determine the future of the Integrated Community Equipment Services. The equipment service was commissioned jointly between Brighton & Hove City Council and Brighton and Hove CCG. The Service had been provided via a Section 75 agreement with Sussex Community Trust since 2004. The SCT managed the integrated service, delivering daily living and community health equipment to adults and children. The report was presented by the Commissioning Manager, Learning Disabilities.
52.2 Councillor Mears informed members that she had visited the equipment store and considered that staff were providing a fantastic service. It was the building that made it difficult for staff to deliver the service. Councillor Mears said she would like to see some work around finding a suitable building, where the service could be delivered on a larger scale. Councillor Mears referred to recommendation 2.2 and said that the recommendation should state that a report should come back to the Committee.
52.3 Councillor Wakefield informed members that she had been on the visit to the equipment store and had been impressed by the dedicated staff. Councillor Wakefield was pleased that bar-coding was now being carried out. She was also pleased that more resources were being used than previously. Councillor Wakefield was more concerned at the state of the building being used. The roof was leaking and this resulted in equipment becoming contaminated. Councillor Wakefield considered that outsourcing should be a last resource. She asked if officers were looking for a suitable building in South Portslade. There was a need to look for a new building in the same area.
52.4 Councillor Meadows was in agreement. She stated that she would like to have a report back to the Committee. Councillor Meadows was concerned that the service could be lost from Brighton and Hove altogether. Whilst Councillor Meadows agreed that officers should look at the feasibility of working with West Sussex, there was a need to have a report back to the next meeting with more information.
52.5 Geraldine Hoban asked who was responsible for the building. The Head of Commissioning & Partnerships explained that the current building was owned by the council. Sussex Community Trust might provide another building. Ms Hoban replied that provision of the building would impact on the cost of the service.
52.6 Councillor Mears stressed that it would be useful if the Property & Design Team provided a list of possible council buildings.
52.7 Councillor Sykes agreed that a report should be brought back to the Committee. The report should also provide information on the implications for staff as a result of the proposals.
52.8 Councillor Bowden asked for the report back to give details on the costs of fitting out a new building.
52.9 RESOLVED – (1) That It be noted that B&HCC and the CCG will be named in the OJEU contract notice published by WSCC as an authority that may utilise the contractual arrangements that WSCC will put in place, during the life of the contract; and that whilst this provides an opportunity to benefit from the procurement process run by WSCC, this does not mean a commitment on the part of B&HCC or the CCG to purchase any particular services.
(2) That it be agreed that Commissioners continue to work closely with SCT to enable B&HCC and the CCG to measure their current performance against the targets in the service specification and also to identify accurate unit costs and the costs of an alternative building, as set out in section 4 of the report.
(3) That a report updating members be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee.