Issue - items at meetings - Day Activities Review

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Issue - meetings

Day Activities Review

Meeting: 20/01/2014 - Adult Care & Health Committee (Item 56)

56 Day Activities Review Update pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Report of Executive Director of Adult Services (copy attached).


(1)               That the contents of the report be noted.


(2)       That it be agreed to have a formal 12 week consultation with users of the Council’s learning disability Day Options service, their family carers and key stakeholders regarding the future service as set out in the proposal in section 4 of the report.


(3)       That a report returns to Committee in June 2014 with the outcome of the consultation to enable Committee to make a decision regarding the future of the learning disability Day Options service.



 56.1   The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Adult Services which provided an update on the progress of the Day Activities Review.  As a result of the review, consideration had been given as to how people could be offered a wider choice of day activities. This has resulted in some individuals receiving innovative personalised services.  Information was provided in the report on the ongoing savings that needed to be realised within day services, taking into account that the Council would receive considerably less money from central government.  It provided an update on the in-house learning Day Options services and its building bases.  The Committee was asked to agree a consultation process on a proposal for the future of the service. The report was presented by the Commissioning Manager, Learning Disabilities and the General Manager, Learning Disability Provider Services.


56.2    Councillor Mears stated that she was not happy with taking the proposals out for a 12 week consultation with service users.  Councillor Mears was concerned at the proposals in paragraph 4.2 which would affect 100 people.  Councillor Mears felt that there was not enough information provided in the report. For example, she asked what support service users would receive within their community or residential care home?   Councillor Mears stated that she would not support the report.


56.3    The Executive Director replied that the proposals were part of a process.  There was a need to carry out a review and have conversations with service users to enable them to have personalised services. 


56.4    Councillor Mears stated that she wanted to see more details of the proposals before the proposals went to the consultation stage.  The Committee needed to know what was being provided in the city and in residential homes. 


56.5    The Commissioning Manager, Learning Disabilities explained that day services for those in residential care and supported living had been discussed in other reports to the Committee and particularly highlighted within the case studies presented to the November Committee.   For example, the Grace Eyre Foundation go into a care home and support people to access community activities   Councillor Mears remarked that she had had many questions when there had been previous reports to the Committee.


56.6    Councillor Meadows informed the Committee that she had concerns about the 12 weeks consultation. The recommendation referred to family carers.  Councillor Meadows stressed that not all families are carers.  Councillor Meadows referred to paragraph 4.6 and stated that she considered that the proposal was to privatise this service. The proposals all seemed linked to an arms length management. 


56.7    The Chair stated that there was no link between this report and the proposal for a Local Authority Trading Company.


56.8    The Executive Director of Adult Services explained that the proposals were about existing providers in the city who could increase capacity if required.  The proposals were mainly about working with third sector providers.   The Council had a duty to meet assessed need. 


56.9    Councillor Meadows stated that she considered the proposals were trying to put people into cheaper options when there were no cheaper options.  She considered that there was not enough information in the report to make an informed decision.  Councillor Meadows was concerned about what it would mean for service users at home.  She stressed that carers needed breaks. These proposals would make a difference to carer’s responsibilities. 


55.10  The Executive Director agreed that the needs of carers would have to be taken into account.  There was a need for more personalised services.  The council also needed to ensure that services were provided equally across the board. 


55.11  Councillor Norman remarked that until the consultation process was completed it would not be known what was required.  Approving a consultation would be the only way of knowing what people wanted.  He had no problem with the report. 


55.12  Councillor Wakefield concurred with Councillor Norman.  Councillor Wakefield stated that she would like the opportunity to visit more day care facilities across the City.  She was very impressed with the Grace Eyre Foundation Day Service.


56.13  RESOLVED – (1) That the contents of the report be noted.


(2)       That it be agreed to have a formal 12 week consultation with users of the Council’s learning disability Day Options service, their family carers and key stakeholders regarding the future service as set out in the proposal in section 4 of the report.


(3)       That a report returns to Committee in June 2014 with the outcome of the consultation to enable Committee to make a decision regarding the future of the learning disability Day Options service.




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