Issue - items at meetings - Homelessness Strategy Development and Consultation

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Issue - meetings

Homelessness Strategy Development and Consultation

Meeting: 15/01/2014 - Housing Committee (pre 2015) (Item 10)

10 Homelessness Strategy Development and Consultation pdf icon PDF 82 KB

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48.1         The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Environment Development and Housing which provided information on the Homelessness Strategy and the Homelessness Review. The report was presented by the Service Improvement Manager Housing Options. A PowerPoint presentation supplemented the report.


48.2         Councillor Farrow thanked the officer for the report and for the work being undertaken. Homelessness was an important issue, and it was essential that the work to help those in need continued.   The Chair agreed and said that this was an important issue for the Authority and one which all political parties took seriously. 


48.3         Councillor Mears noted that student accommodation was putting a strain on the private sector, and suggested there be debate to discuss this issue. The Chair agreed and thought a debate would be useful. Councillor Bowden said that Sussex University planned to expand, taking an extra 5000 students. Additional Student accommodation was being built which would help. The Chair added that the University thought that around 20% of their students would either commute or continue living at home which would relieve some pressure, but that would still leave many students needing accommodation.


48.4         Councillor Pissaridou was surprised at the level of deprivation in the city, and the fact that the minimum household income required to afford market housing without subsidy was £42k pa.


48.5         The Chair thanked the officer for the report.


48.6         RESOLVED –


(1)               That the Committee noted the contents of the Homelessness Review 2008 – 2013

(2)               To endorse the approach to producing a Homelessness Strategy 2014-2019, incorporating all related sub strategies contained in paragraph 1.3 in the report.

(3)               That the Committee noted the proposed Community Engagement Strategy being used to develop the new Homelessness Strategy 2014 - 2019


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