Issue - items at meetings - Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme 2014-2017
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Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme 2014-2017
Meeting: 13/02/2014 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 124)
124 Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme 2014-2017 PDF 65 KB
Extract from the proceedings of the Housing Committee meeting held on the 15th January 2014, together with a joint report of the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing and the Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copies attached).
Additional documents:
- Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme 2014-2017, item 124 PDF 131 KB View as HTML (124/2) 418 KB
- Webcast for Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme 2014-2017
That the HRA Capital Programme budget of £28.876 million andfinancing for 2014/15 as set out in paragraph 4.1 of the report be approved.
124.1 The Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing introduced the report, which sought approval for the 2014/15 Capital Programme and detailed proposals for the provisional capital programme for the following two years, 2015/16 and 2016/17 for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA). He noted that the Housing Committee had considered the report and recommended its approval to the Policy & resources Committee. He also noted that an Estates Regeneration Board, which included councillors and tenants, had been established and was working well.
124.2 Councillor Randall stated that he wished to place on record his thanks to the officers involved in producing the report and the previous HRA report, and welcomed the proposed investment in Sheltered Housing. He noted that consultations were being held with residents of Evelyn Court in Portslade, with regard to how improvements could be made to provide self-contained units, but he was very aware of the strength of feeling of community those residents had.
124.3 Councillor Hamilton welcomed the report and stated that the residents of Evelyn Court were very happy with their accommodation and whilst they acknowledged their communal facilities were out-dated, they were happy to retain the building and their sense of community rather than be moved and see the building redeveloped. He hoped that in the discussions with the residents a solution to enable improvements would be found that enabled those residents to retain their homes.
124.4 The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendation to the vote.
124.5 RESOLVED: That the HRA Capital Programme budget of £28.876 million andfinancing for 2014/15 as set out in paragraph 4.1 of the report be approved.
Meeting: 15/01/2014 - Housing Committee (pre 2015) (Item 8)
8 Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme 2014-2017 PDF 132 KB
RESOLVED - That the Housing Committee recommend that Policy & Resources approves and recommends to Council of the HRA capital programme budget of £28.876 million and financing for 2014/15 as set out in paragraph 4.1 and comments upon the proposals.
46.1 The Committee considered the joint report of the Executive Director Environment Development and Housing and the Executive Director of Finance & Resources, which sought approval for the 2014/15 capital programme and provided a provisional capital programme for 2015/16 and 2016/17 for the Housing Revenue Account. The report was presented by the Head of Property & Investment (Housing).
46.2 Councillor Mears noted that the report didn’t clearly state the funding received from Brighton & Hove Seaside Community Homes. Councillor Fitch who was a board member of Brighton & Hove Seaside Community Homes, declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, and left the room during this discussion. Officers said the information was contained in paragraph 4.1 and showed Capital receipts of £3.189m which included £2.563m receipts from Seaside Homes.
46.3 Councillor Peltzer Dunn referred to paragraph 4.4 and asked if the capital receipts from Seaside Homes was an agreed figure or an assumption. Officers advised it was a forecast of receipts based on the agreement with Seaside Homes and that receipts received to date were on track with this agreement. Councillor Fitch returned to the room.
46.4 Councillor Farrow noted the provision for new build over the next two years and asked if that was the maximum amount which could be used. Officers advised there could be other funding such as borrowing, net additional Right to Buy Receipts or Government grants etc. More detailed information on new builds and the costs involved would come to a future meeting. The Chair said that the Authority had a programme of work and if necessary additional funding would be sought.
46.5 RESOLVED - That the HRA Capital Programme budget of £28.876 million and financing for 2014/15 as set out in paragraph 4.1 of the report be approved with any comments upon the proposals.