Issue - items at meetings - Special Events – Madeira Drive Road Closures 2014
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Special Events – Madeira Drive Road Closures 2014
Meeting: 23/01/2014 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 50)
50 Special Events – Madeira Drive Road Closures 2014 PDF 77 KB
Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (copy attached)
Additional documents:
RESOLVED – (1) That the committee grants consent for the 2014 programme for special events on Madeira Drive and the associated road closures as listed in Appendix 1 to the report ;
(2) That the committee authorises officers to enter into formal agreements with event organisers to determine conditions, fees and levels of support as appropriate; and
(3) That the committee authorises the Assistant Chief Executive, after consultation with the Chair of the Committee and the opposition spokespersons to make any alterations to the events programme as necessary and to approve new applications.
50.1 The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive which set out the proposed programme of special events on Madeira Drive in 2014 and sought approval for the associated road closures.
50.2 It was noted that prior notification had been received of a proposed amendment by the Conservative Group in the following terms:
“Paragraph 2.3 That the committee authorises the Assistant Chief Executive, after consultation with the Chair of the Committee and the opposition spokespersons, to make any alterations to the events programme as necessary and to approve new applications”.
Proposed by: Councillor Vanessa Brown
Seconded by: Councillor Carol Theobald
50.3 Councillors Brown and C Theobald stated that the Opposition spokesperson’s had been consulted in the past and they sure that this would happen in respect of future events they wanted to ensure that this was agreed formally.
50.4 Councillors Buckley and Hawtree stated that in future it would be useful If additional information could be provided as background showing the amounts raised/charged by organisations and in respect of their financial viability. The Assistant Chief Executive confirmed that consideration would be given to how this could done without being cumbersome, for example by submitting a split report which provided members with commercially confidential information. It was noted that differing the level of fees and charges payable by community groups/for community based events was different from that for commercial groups/ organisations.
50.5 Councillor Hawtree noted that there were a number of automobile based events in addition to the annual vintage car rally.
50.6 A vote was taken and on a vote of 8 with 2 abstentions the recommendations set out below including the substantive amendment were agreed.
50.7 RESOLVED – (1) That the committee grants consent for the 2014 programme for special events on Madeira Drive and the associated road closures as listed in Appendix 1 to the report ;
(2) That the committee authorises officers to enter into formal agreements with event organisers to determine conditions, fees and levels of support as appropriate; and
(3) That the committee authorises the Assistant Chief Executive, after consultation with the Chair of the Committee and the opposition spokespersons to make any alterations to the events programme as necessary and to approve new applications.