Issue - items at meetings - Events in Parks and Open Spaces 2014

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Issue - meetings

Events in Parks and Open Spaces 2014

Meeting: 23/01/2014 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 52)

52 Events in Parks and Open Spaces 2014

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (copy attached)

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – (1)That the committee approve the events listed in the report;


(2) That the committee authorise officers to enter into formal agreements with event organisers to determine conditions, fees and levels of support as appropriate; and


(3) That the committee authorises the Assistant Chief Executive, after consultation with the Chair of Committee and the opposition spokespersons to make any alterations to the events programme as necessary and to approve new applications in accordance with the Outdoor Events Policy.


52.1    The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive seeking landlord’s consent for events in parks and open spaces in 2014.


52.2    Many of the events listed in Appendix One to the report had taken place before and retained their traditional place in the calendar of outdoor events. The council had licensed a range of parks and open spaces including the Old Steine, Hove Lawns, the Seafront and Madeira Drive to hold events. However, a balanced approach was required to prevent over use of these areas.


52.3    Outdoor events played a major role in the city being a leisure destination and therefore contributed significantly to the economic impact that tourism brought to the city. The latest economic impact assessment had valued the contribution of tourism to the city’s economy at £800m per year and it supported 18000 jobs (13500 full time equivalents). The economic impact of events staged in the city was largely through hotel, restaurant and retail spend.


52.4    Several new or altered event applications had been received for 2014 and were summarised in the report itself and in appendix 1. Consultation had taken place as detailed in the report and no substantive issues had been raised in respect of the calendar of outdoor events.


52.5    Councillor Buckley referred to the applications made by Zippo’s Circus which involved the use of live animals. She was concerned that the Council’s Animal Welfare Policy which had been in place since 2011 might require updating in relation to the use of live animals in performances. The Legal Adviser to the Committee explained that any amendments to the existing policy would require approval by another Committee. It was agreed that officers would investigate which would be the most appropriate Committee to consider any changes to the existing policy and to advise Councillor Buckley accordingly.


52.6    Councillor Smith sought clarification that there was sufficient space for the funfair to take place on the Level following its refurbishment. It was confirmed that there was and that officers would ensure that that it could operate as it had previously.


52.7    Councillor Fitch proposed that for consistency the recommendations set out in the report should be amended to reference to the respective Opposition spokesperson’s being consulted in addition to the Chair. This was seconded by Councillor Brown. The Chair, Councillor Bowden agreed that he was happy for be included as the substantive recommendation and this was put to the Committee.


52.8    RESOLVED – (1) That the committee approve the events listed in the report;


(2) That the committee authorise officers to enter into formal agreements with event organisers to determine conditions, fees and levels of support as appropriate; and


(3) That the committee authorises the Assistant Chief Executive, after consultation with the Chair of Committee and the opposition spokespersons to make any alterations to the events programme as necessary and to approve new applications in accordance with the Outdoor Events Policy.


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