Issue - items at meetings - Rough Sleeping Update

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Issue - meetings

Rough Sleeping Update

Meeting: 15/01/2014 - Housing Committee (pre 2015) (Item 11)

11 Rough Sleeping Update pdf icon PDF 84 KB


49.1         The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Environment Development and Housing, which provided an update on the current number of rough sleepers in the city, gave details about changes to local provision in response to the increasing pressure on services, and information about the progress of the new pilot services which targeted street drinkers and entrenched rough sleepers. The Commissioning Officer for Rough Sleepers, Single Homeless and Substance Misuse gave a presentation to explain the report.


49.2         Councillor Farrow thanked the officer for the report. He noted that the recent street count found 50 individuals sleeping rough and asked if that was a true figure as another source had suggested that any count should be multiplied by 4 to give a more accurate number. He was advised that that figure could be higher. The Authority did two counts a year, one in November and one in March. The one carried out in March found 93 individuals sleeping rough.


49.3         The Chair thanked officers for the report and was pleased to note the work with other agencies, particularly Equinox and Stonewall.


49.4         Councillor Farrow was concerned that the recent heavy rain would have made sleeping outdoors very difficult. The Chair advised that he was also concerned over the recent weather and had asked for the Severe Weather Emergency Provision (SWEP) to be put in place. The SWEP was currently being reviewed to taken into account heavy rain and high winds.


49.5         Councillor Barnett asked if the count of rough sleepers included areas on the outskirts of the city. Officers confirmed that the whole city was covered.


49.6         Councillor Bowden thanked officers for the report. He expected that some of the individuals sleeping rough were ex-prisoners and asked if any work was being done to address that. Officers advised that there were workers at Lewes prison who advised individuals.


49.7         Councillor Pissaridou said she’d previously taken part in the count, but hadn’t known the date this year and asked if it could be better publicised next year.


49.8         RESOLVED – The Committee agreed to note the report.


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