Issue - items at meetings - Youth Information Advice and Counselling Services
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Youth Information Advice and Counselling Services
Meeting: 10/03/2014 - Children & Young People Committee (Item 77)
77 Youth Information Advice and Counselling Services (YIACS) PDF 88 KB
Report of the Executive Director, Children’s Services (copy attached)
RESOLVED – (1) That the committee approves the procurement of a new and integrated Youth Information Advice and Counselling Service (YIACS), as set out in section 3 of the report ; and
(2) That the committee grants delegated authority to the Director of Children’s Services to award the contract following the recommendations of the evaluation panel and the results of the tendering process.
77.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services proposing the commissioning of Youth Information, Advice and Counselling Services (YIACS), under the delegated authority of the Executive Director of Children’s Services, as a single point of access for young people across the city in order to improve outcomes for young people.
77.2 The Assistant Director Stronger Families, Youth and Communities explained that there was national and local evidence which confirmed the impact and value of YIACS, however, there had never been a joined up commissioning response to this provision in Brighton & Hove. With current funding arrangements, including key contracts, due for review before April 2015, there was an opportunity to commission an integrated, single point of entry YIACS service. It was proposed therefore to test the longer term sustainability of a one-stop-shop YIACS model in a city central location, drawing upon the needs assessment outlined in the commissioned report ‘Review of Youth Advice Services in Brighton & Hove’ (January 2013).
77.3 Councillor Wealls sought confirmation regarding the manner in which this provision would be delivered to ensure that a joined up approach was adopted and how this would be funded to housing provision for example in addition to other key elements. Councillor Simson also queried the how the proposed hub approach would operate effectively in practice given that provision would be split between two city centre locations albeit that they would be located a short distance apart.
77.4 In answer to further questions, the Service Manager, Employability explained that the potential for some satellite services would remain although this would be for pre-booked appointments, rather than for a drop in service. Funding would flow from the joint commissioning strategy and accordingly it was considered appropriate for the reasons set out in the report to review the broader scope of what was delivered.
77.5 Councillor Wealls sought clarification regarding the prospectus approach proposed and how that would work in practice, the Assistant Director Stronger Families, Youth and Communities explained that a prospectus approach comprising different elements was envisaged, the review would provide the opportunity to determine the approach which worked best.
77.6 Councillor Simson stated that whilst fully appreciating a hub approach she considered that there was merit in having some satellite units citing the successful provision of this approach in her own ward. The Assistant Director Stronger Families, Youth and Communities stated that issues such as this would be looked at as part of the review.
77.7 RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee approves the procurement of a new and integrated Youth Information Advice and Counselling Service (YIACS), as set out in section 3 of the report ; and
(2) That the committee grants delegated authority to the Director of Children’s Services to award the contract following the recommendations of the evaluation panel and the results of the tendering process.
Note: Councillors Simson and Wealls abstained from voting in respect of the above recommendations.