Issue - items at meetings - Relationships and Sex Education in Brighton & Hove Schools

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Issue - meetings

Relationships and Sex Education in Brighton & Hove Schools

Meeting: 10/03/2014 - Children & Young People Committee (Item 74)

74 Relationships and Sex Education in Brighton & Hove Schools pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Report of the Executive Director, Children’s Services (copy attached)


RESOLVED (1) That the Committee supports the review and development of the local authority Sex and Relationships Education: Guidance for Schools (2003) by Children’s Services and the Public Health Team in consultation with schools, children and young people and key local and national partners in Health and the Community and Voluntary Sector; and


(2) A draft of the revised guidance to be discussed and agreed at Committee in the Autumn Term of 2014.



74.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services the purpose of which was to brief Members on the quality and effectiveness of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) in Brighton & Hove Schools This was in the context of the high profile being given to the subject nationally in supporting children and young people to understand concepts such as consent, and develop the skills to keep themselves safe and develop healthy relationships which are free from violence and exploitation.


74.2    The national guidance from the Department for Education on the delivery of Relationships and Sex Education had been published in 2000 and the council’s last local guidance for schools had been published in 2003.It was now considered appropriate and timely for this to be reviewed and updated in concert with schools, children and young people and key local and national partners in Health and the Community and Voluntary Sector.


74.3    Councillor A Kitcat welcomed the report and was pleased to note the strong statistical data available for Brighton and Hove seeking confirmation regarding mechanisms in place to identify strengths and weaknesses and how the city compared with neighbouring authorities. It was explained that some data was collected through the “Safe and Well at School” initiative, available data was shared and used to inform. Individual schools were responsible for delivery but advice and support was given in order to enable them to do so.


74.4    In answer to questions by Councillor Pissaridou it was confirmed that schools had a duty to inform parents prior to sex education being taught in schools, that statutory requirements needed to be met regarding the manner in which the subject was taught and that this was tailored in a way that was  appropriate for the age group concerned.


74.5    Councillor Wealls commended the excellent work undertaken to date welcoming the revised guidance which it was anticipated would be brought back to the Committee for approval in the Autumn.


74.6    Councillor Gilbey referred to the a data available which indicated that 87% of students felt confident about using condoms correctly asking whether this was considered to be an accurate figure. It was confirmed that this was a self reported figure and that information on this issue was provided to student in part via their science curriculum and also included in PHSE lessons.


74.7    RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee supports the review and development of the local authority Sex and Relationships Education: Guidance for Schools (2003) by Children’s Services and the Public Health Team in consultation with schools, children and young people and key local and national partners in Health and the Community and Voluntary Sector; and


(2) That a draft of the revised guidance to be discussed and agreed at Committee in the Autumn Term of 2014.


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