Issue - items at meetings - Gating Orders - Protocol for Implementation

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Issue - meetings

Gating Orders - Protocol for Implementation

Meeting: 11/09/2008 - Environment Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 48)

48 Gating Orders - Protocol for Implementation pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Report of the Director of Environment (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1.     That the Cabinet Member approves the attached protocol (See Appendix A) which will be used to inform the councils response to requests for Gating Orders.


48.1       The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Environment concerning approval of a protocol for implementing Gating Orders (for copy see minute book).


48.2       The Cabinet Member stated that In April 2006, Local Authorities had been given the power to restrict alleyways in order to reduce crime and anti social behaviour by using a Gating Order. These Orders were currently implemented by the Council’s Environment Improvement Team. The Cabinet Member stated that the protocol outlined in the report was intended to assist in managing the implementation of Gating Orders and clarifying the process and timescales involved to ensure that the communities requesting Orders had a clear understanding of how that request would be taken forward.


48.3       Councillor Mitchell welcomed the establishment of a local protocol and was pleased that there was no presumption of gating, but enquired about the legal costs of a Gating Order.


48.4       The Lawyer to the meeting stated that she believed there were no substantial costs, but that she would confirm this and advise Councillor Mitchell directly.


48.5       RESOLVED - That having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet Member accepted the following recommendation:


(1)       That the attached protocol (See Appendix A) which would be used to inform the councils response to requests for Gating Orders be approved.


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