Issue - items at meetings - Pay Policy Statement 2014-15
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Pay Policy Statement 2014-15
Meeting: 27/03/2014 - Council (Item 101)
101 Pay Policy Statement 2014-15 PDF 100 KB
Additional documents:
- Item 101 Pay Policy Statement - Extract P&R 20.03.14, item 101 PDF 63 KB View as HTML (101/2) 60 KB
- Item 101 Erratum (Pay Policy Statement), item 101 PDF 44 KB View as HTML (101/3) 54 KB
- Item 101 Pay Policy Statement (updated), item 101 PDF 35 KB
- Webcast for Pay Policy Statement 2014-15
Meeting: 20/03/2014 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 145)
145 Pay Policy Statement 2014-15 PDF 100 KB
Report of the Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached).
Additional documents:
That the Council be recommended to approve the adoption of the pay policy statement 2014/15 attached at Appendix A to the report.
145.1 The Executive Director for Finance & Resources introduced the report which detailed the council’s pay policy for 2014/15 as required by the Localism Act 2011. She stated that there had been no significant changes to the policy since its last publication in 2013 and therefore recommended it to the committee.
145.2 Councillor Littman welcomed the report and stated that he wished to thank the officers involved in producing the policy and noted that it continued to support the drive for value for money.
145.3 Councillor G. Theobald welcomed the transparency that the pay policy provided and stated that the public had a right to know the information detailed in the policy. However, he remained concerned that Members were not given the opportunity to vote on the levels of redundancy and severance packages above £100k which was outlined in the Government’s Guidance that related to Section 40 of the Localism Act 2011. He also referred to pages 34 and 35 of the agenda and queried whether all professional fees were paid for those officers in the organisation that were required to maintain their professional qualification.
145.4 The Monitoring Officer stated that the question of salaries over £100k being determined by all Members was only guidance and was not a mandatory requirement. Having looked at a number of other authorities none had been found which complied with the guidance. The Council’s Appointments Panel for senior officers had been established so that it could consider the level of remuneration to be offered and then recommend that to full council for approval. He also noted that the council was obliged to publish the salary details of senior and second tier officers and the use of the Appointments Panel reflected best practice.
145.5 The Executive Director for Finance & Resources stated the payment of professional fees differed across the organisation for various reasons and she would provide Councillor Theobald with further information following the meeting.
145.6 The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendation to the vote which was carried.
145.7 RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND: That the Council be recommended to approve the adoption of the pay policy statement 2014/15 attached at Appendix A to the report.