Issue - items at meetings - Planned Maintenance Budget Allocation 2014-15

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Issue - meetings

Planned Maintenance Budget Allocation 2014-15

Meeting: 20/03/2014 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 152)

152 Planned Maintenance Budget Allocation 2014-15 and Programme of Works for the Council’s Operational Buildings pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Report of the Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached).

Additional documents:


(1)               That the annual programme of planned maintenance works to the council’s operational buildings at an estimated cost of £3,827,880, as detailed in Appendices 2 and 3 of the report be approved; and


(2)               That the Executive Director Finance & Resources be granted delegated authority o enter into contracts within this budget, as required, and in accordance with Contract Standing Orders.


152.1    The Executive Director for Finance & Resources introduced the report which detailed the proposed allocation of improvement and essential repair works to civic offices, historic, operational and commercial buildings within the Corporate Planned Maintenance Budget for 2014/15 of £3,327,880.  She noted that the council’s workstyles programme was being used to reduce the property portfolio and to allow for investment in those buildings where it was required.


152.2    Councillor Littman welcomed the report and thanked the officers concerned for a very good piece of work which contributed to the council’s value for money programme.


152.3    Councillor Morgan noted that Hove Town Hall was not listed under the venues and queried whether it should be and whether other buildings had not been included.


152.4    The Executive Director for Finance & Resources stated that she would provide the Councillor with further detailed information following the meeting as she did not have that available.


152.5    The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendations to the vote.


152.6    RESOLVED:


(1)         That the annual programme of planned maintenance works to the council’s operational buildings at an estimated cost of £3,827,880, as detailed in Appendices 2 and 3 of the report be approved; and


(2)         That the Executive Director Finance & Resources be granted delegated authority o enter into contracts within this budget, as required, and in accordance with Contract Standing Orders.


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