Issue - items at meetings - Brighton & Hove Missing Children Policy

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Issue - meetings

Brighton & Hove Missing Children Policy

Meeting: 10/03/2014 - Children & Young People Committee (Item 76)

76 Missing Children Policy and Practice Guidance pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Report of the Executive Director, Children’s Services (copy attached)

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee notes the contents of the two new missing policy and guidance documents which seek to raise awareness of this high risk area of work; and


(2) That CYP Committee and members give this report endorsement in order that officers could work with to hold services to account on delivering the best possible services and outcomes and delivering the core principles set out in these documents.


76.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services the purpose of which was to raise awareness of this high profile and high risk area of work in children’s services, an area whose profile is being raised nationally at policy, inspection and national media level; to allow members to have broad awareness of the processes which will be followed with young people, who may gain a high profile locally within different services and agencies due to repeated runaway/missing episodes and to  give this important strategic policy within children’s services authority in terms of high level endorsement.


76.2    The Head of Service, Children in Need explained that the policy had been formulated as a response for the City Council to the DFE national ‘Statutory guidance on children who runaway or go missing from home or care’. It had been published in final draft in June 2013 and finalised in January 2014. This guidance set out some new requirements for Local Authorities and these were contained within the policy document itself.


76.3    Councillor Simson welcomed the report which represented a thorough approach particularly in respect of a cross border approach to be adopted in concert with East and West Sussex.


76.4    Mr Jeffery, Parent Forum also commended the approach being suggested, considering that it was also important for the process to be meaningful for the young people involved as well.


76.5    RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee notes the contents of the two new missing policy and guidance documents which seek to raise awareness of this high risk area of work; and


(2) That CYP Committee and members give this report endorsement in order that officers could work with to hold services to account on delivering the best possible services and outcomes and delivering the core principles set out in these documents.


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