Issue - items at meetings - Security in High Rise Accommodation

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Security in High Rise Accommodation

Meeting: 01/04/2014 - Housing Management Consultative Sub-Committee (Item 58)

58 Security in High Rise Accommodation pdf icon PDF 244 KB

Contact Officer:         Richard Jordan-Penswick               Tel:     01273 294650


58.1    The Sub Committee considered a report of the Executive Director Environment Development & Housing which informed members of a number of unauthorised intrusions into council owned high rise accommodation.  This had given rise to a review of how such intrusions could be prevented and recommended actions to address the situation.  The report was presented by the Head of Tenant Services.


58.2    The Head of Tenancy Services informed members that paragraph 4 of the report highlighted key areas of concern and suggested ways to reduce the problems of intrusions and anti-social behaviour.  Long term solutions would include a wider review of security in all council blocks. Costly solutions were being considered.


58.3    Alison Gray noted that St James House and other blocks in Kemp Town had been specifically mentioned in the report.  She stressed that there were 4 or 5 rough sleepers in the storage area of her block of flats and residents felt intimidated.   This matter had been reported to the police community support officers and to the council.  Bedding had been removed from the rubbish area at the request of residents.


58.4    Councillor Farrow thanked officers for the report on this serious matter.  Councillor Farrow considered that long term capital solutions would be required and noted the success of concierge services in London boroughs.  He felt that there was a need to seriously investigate the introduction of concierge services in the city.


58.5    John Melson asked for the comments of the Hi Rise Action Group meeting to be added to the report.  A caretaker type role might be required in blocks.


58.6    Councillor Mears welcomed the report on this serious issue.  She felt it would be an excellent idea to have a concierge service.  Councillor Mears informed members that she had recently had a phone call from a concerned tenant at St James House regarding an issue of drug dealing in the car park.   Councillor Mears referred to paragraph 3.10 of the report which related to the St James House car park and considered that there needed to be a conversation with the police with regard to the installation of CCTV.   


58.7    The Chair noted the lack of police attendance at a recent multi agency meeting.  He agreed that the installation of CCTV could be investigated.


58.8    Roy Crowhurst reminded the Sub-Committee that security was also an issue in low rise blocks, especially in social housing.  However, CCTV did not always solve the problem.  He had had his TV stolen and although CCTV had captured perfect pictures, the thief had not been indentified.  


58.9    Councillor Wilson stated that she would like to see action on this issue extended city wide.  She suggested other actions worth considering would be robust signage (with regard to the move on policy), and engaging with people who required support. 


58.10  The Chair informed the Sub-Committee that there was an issue with dogs in Warwick Mount.  Some of the dogs were aggressive.  He asked officers to action the suggestions made by Sub-Committee  members. 


58.11  RESOLVED – (1) That the information set out in the report be noted.


(2)       That Housing Officers be requested to undertake the actions identified in paragraph 4 of the report and to report back to the respective Area Panels as necessary.



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