Issue - items at meetings - Health and Wellbeing Board
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Health and Wellbeing Board
Meeting: 08/05/2014 - Council (Item 117)
117 Health and Wellbeing Board
Additional documents:
- Item 117 Health & Wellbeing Board Clarification, item 117 PDF 62 KB
- Item 117 P&R 01.05.14 Extract HWB, item 117 PDF 133 KB
- Webcast for Health and Wellbeing Board
Meeting: 01/05/2014 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 176)
176 Health and Wellbeing Board PDF 141 KB
Report of the Monitoring Officer (copy attached).
Additional documents:
That the proposals set out in paragraphs 6.7 to 11.2 and appendix 2 to the report be agreed;
That the proposed changes come into effect immediately after Annual Council meeting on 15th May 2014;
That the Chief Executive be authorised to take all steps necessary, conducive or incidental to the implementation of the proposals, including entering into section 75 Agreements;
That the intention to provide system leadership, achieve greater joint commissioning and integration of services between the Council and the CCG be noted;
That it be agreed to keep the effectiveness of the arrangements under review;
That the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel regarding allowances for the Lead Member for Adult Social Services as set out in paragraph 9.2 of the report.
176.1 The Monitoring Officer introduced the report which set out proposed changes to the role, purpose and ways of working of the Health & Wellbeing Board to reflect the need for greater co-ordination and integration of health and local authority functions. He noted that the changes would provide the Board with real decision-making powers which would enable it to be forward thinking and initiate action and policy development. It was in line with the intentions of the Health & Wellbeing Act and had the full support of the cross-part Constitution Review Working Group and the Leaders Group. He was aware that some Members had expressed reservations about the proposed changes but stated that the remit of the Board would be kept under review and any changes could be brought forward as part of a report on the review of the constitution.
176.2 The Chair welcomed the report and stated that the integration of health and local authority functions was a positive approach and step forward. He noted that the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) had been fully consulted and were supportive of the changes and that many other authorities were in the process of making similar arrangements. He therefore hoped that the proposals would be supported.
176.3 Councillor Morgan stated that he believed it was the right way forward to integrate the various functions and welcomed the political consensus, although he did have reservations around the constitutional aspects i.e. that the local authority membership did not reflect the committee system that the council had adopted and meant that decision-making was in the hands of a small number of elected representatives. However, he was prepared to support the recommendations and to keep the process under review.
176.4 Councillor G. Theobald stated that whilst he supported the proposals, he was concerned about the establishment of an Officer Board that would be able to influence the agenda setting for meetings of the Health & Wellbeing Board, as set out in paragraph 8.4 of the report.
176.5 The Monitoring Officer stated that no additional powers were being given to officers, but rather the need for various officers to meet was being highlighted as the Board’s functions cut across a number of areas. There would be a need for those lead officers to meet and discuss matters and identify reports that would need to be taken to the Board for consideration.
176.6 Councillor A. Norman stated that the Board was going to be a very powerful committee and noted that reference was made to referred powers at paragraph 7.7 of the report for housing, transport, environmental health and arts and culture and asked for clarification of this in respect of the formal executive committees that existed.
176.7 The Monitoring Officer stated that the respective committees retained the decision-making powers for their areas, however the intention was to identify that the Board could discuss those matters as they were likely to have an impact on health considerations. He noted that the constitution gave every committee referred powers to discuss any areas that may impact on their own responsibilities.
176.8 Councillor Randall also referred to paragraph 7.7 and welcomed the recognition of the fact that arts and culture could have an impact of the health and wellbeing of individuals.
176.9 Councillor Peltzer Dunn referred to paragraph 8.4 and stated that he could accept the first bullet point but had concerns over the remaining bullet points as it appeared agendas would be officer led rather than Member led; and queried who would be able to put items onto the agendas of the Board.
176.10 The Monitoring Officer stated that it was intended to have Chair’s pre-meetings whereby possible items for future agendas could be raised and agreed.
176.11 The Chair stated that he expected the agenda setting process to follow that of committees and therefore Members and members of the public would be able to influence the agenda.
176.12 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.
(1) That the proposals set out in paragraphs 6.7 to 11.4 and appendix 2 to the report be agreed;
(2) That the proposed changes come into effect immediately after Annual Council meeting on 15th May 2014;
(3) That the Chief Executive be authorised to take all steps necessary, conducive or incidental to the implementation of the proposals, including entering into section 75 Agreements;
(4) That the intention to provide system leadership, achieve greater joint commissioning and integration of services between the Council and the CCG be noted;
(5) That it be agreed to keep the effectiveness of the arrangements under review; and
(6) That the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel regarding allowances for the Lead Member for Adult Social Services as set out in paragraph 9.2 of the report be agreed.