Issue - items at meetings - 2013-14 Year End Performance Report

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2013-14 Year End Performance Report

Meeting: 11/07/2014 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 34)

34 Annual Performance Update 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Report of the Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1)            That Committee notes the areas of highlighted performance.


2)            That Committee authorises officers to take the necessary measures to maintain progress and tackle issues of concern highlighted in the report.


34.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Finance & Resources in relation to the Annual Performance Update 2013/14. The report reviewed the performance progress of the authority during 2013/14. The report showed progress in the areas of success against the corporate plan and the Council’s organisational health measures, and how well the priorities in the Sustainable Community Strategy were being delivered. The report also provided an explanation of the reinvigoration of the organisation around the principles of performance management.

34.2    Councillor Sykes thanked Officers for the clear and useful report; he noted the level of indicators at green and amber in the report and the general trend upwards. The exceptions in the report were being addressed, but the process was also important for gaining an understanding of why the Council was off target, and what appropriate measures could be taken.

34.3    In response to Councillor Morgan the Assistant Director for Education & Inclusion explained that the work being undertaken in relation to Maths underachievement in the city included increased funding for a Maths Project; secondments of high quality Maths Teachers to push standards and sharing good practice. There was also work with the two universities in the city and some changes to the use of the Pupil Premium which it was hoped would have an impact.

34.4    Councillor A. Norman drew particular positive attention to: the recording of crimes; GCSE results, and the standards of early year’s child provision. She expressed her concerns in relation to the performance gap of young people in receipt of free schools meals. In response to a question the Head of Strategy & Projects explained there was incomplete information in relation to the number of missed collections due problems in the service for the first nine months of the year, and the priorities of the service had been to address the high call volume. Since the situation had improved the monitoring of missed collections was now being accurately recorded.

34.5    The Executive Director for Finance & Resources responded to a further question from Councillor A. Norman and stated that there were ongoing concerns in relation to the levels of staff sickness. There were new measures in place, but it was too early to know if these had been successful at this time – assurance was provided that the organisation was taking this matter very seriously.

34.6    Councillor Davey noted that there was a general trend of improvement in air quality across the city, and gave example of the improvements in Lewes Road; he also welcomed the cross-party support for the low admissions zone. He drew attention to successful bids in collaboration with the bus company and noted there were planned improvement works to North Street.

34.7    In response to Councillor Robins it was explained that the number of allotment plots had stayed the same, but there had been work undertaken to review the number of people on the waiting list; there were also new initiatives such as micro plots being introduced.

34.8    The Chair then put the recommendation to the vote.

34.9    RESOLVED:

1)        That the Committee note the areas of highlighted performance.


2)        That the Committee authorises Officers to take the necessary measures to maintain progress and tackle issues of concern highlighted in the report.


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