Issue - items at meetings - SEN annual report and progress report on the SEN Strategy
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SEN annual report and progress report on the SEN Strategy
Meeting: 02/06/2014 - Children & Young People Committee (Item 13)
13 SEN annual report and progress report on the SEN Strategy PDF 66 KB
Report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Annual SEN Report draft appendix to committee report April 2014 v2, item 13 PDF 246 KB View as HTML (13/2) 813 KB
RESOLVED – That the Council agrees to the publication of the final draft of the SEN Annual Report 2012/2013.
13.1 The Committee considered two reports of the Executive Director for Children’s Services in relation to the SEN Annual Report and Progress Report on the SEN Strategy and the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Review. The first was the report of Special Educational Needs (SEN) Performance for the 2012/13 academic year incorporating progress on the SEN Partnership Strategy and the SEN Pathfinder Project, and the second set out the terms of a review of SEN and disability service in Children’s Services including relating Health Services. The Chair welcomed the vision of better integration.
13.2 Councillor Wealls requested that future reports contain information on how many children were making the appropriate level of focus, and expressed concern that some of the comparisons were not entirely statistically robust.
13.3 Councillor A. Kitcat welcomed the report and was pleased to see figures demonstrating the success which suggested there was some closing of the gap.
13.4 In response to Mr Glazebrook from the Community Voluntary Sector Forum it was explained that the definition of SEN was made by schools and the Council was encouraging schools to take a consistent approach in relation to this. At City College the Council was hoping for more post-19 provision; if this were not provided there then the Council would have to consider how this could undertaken in the private sector.
13.5 In response to Councillor Powell it was explained that work was being undertaken in relation to foundation courses, and in particular there was now a move against separate courses. In relation to educational plans there had been some very positive parental feedback and there needed to be more moves to engage with the young people in the same manner.
13.6 The Chair then put then recommendation to the vote.
13.7 RESOLVED – That the Council agrees to the publication of the final draft of the SEN Annual Report 2012/2013.