Issue - items at meetings - Minimum sustainability standards for catering contracts

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Issue - meetings

Minimum sustainability standards for catering contracts

Meeting: 11/07/2014 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 35)

35 Minimum Buying standards for catering contracts pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Report of the Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1)           That Policy & Resources Committee – Agree that the proposed minimum buying standards, as set out in Appendix 1, be specified in the council’s future procurement of catering contracts.


2)           Grant delegated authority to the Executive Director Finance & Resources to take all necessary measures to implement the recommendation at 2.1.


35.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Finance & Resources in relation to Minimum Buying Standards for Catering Contracts. Minimum Buying Standards (MBS) for catering contracts had been developed to deliver the Corporate Procurement Strategy aim ‘to ensure value for money is achieved whilst the council operates as a “responsible procurer” taking account of social, economic and environmental impacts’. Approval was sought to adopt these standards across Council catering contracts.

35.2    The Chair noted that when this had been rolled out in schools the uptake of school meals had increased.

35.3    Councillor Sykes described this piece of work as fantastic, and thanked the work of Officers and the Food Partnership; he hoped the rest of the Committee would be able to support the recommendations. He noted that the full list of standards was set out in the report, and in some instances this had been able to help achieve cost reductions.

35.4    Councillor A. Norman noted her support for the report, and stated that the Food Partnership had done some excellent work. It was important the Council take a lead to support local farmers and producers.

35.5    Councillor G. Theobald noted his enthusiasm for this work, and his support for the report.

35.6    The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.

35.7    RESOLVED: That the Committee:

1)        Agree that the proposed minimum buying standards, as set out in Appendix 1, be specified in the Council’s future procurement of catering contracts; and,


2)        Grant delegated authority to the Executive Director for Finance & Resources to take all necessary measures to implement the recommendation at 2.1.


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