Issue - items at meetings - MyPlace Strategy
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MyPlace Strategy
Meeting: 08/09/2008 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 24)
Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Item 24Appdx1a- Number not Employed A2, item 24 PDF 13 MB
- Item 24Appdx1b- Conceptions Under 19, item 24 PDF 9 MB
- Item 24Appdx1c- Teenage Parents A2, item 24 PDF 13 MB
- Item 24Appdx1d- First Time Ent to Criminal Just System A2 2nd, item 24 PDF 13 MB
- Item 24Appdx1e- Number of Young People A2, item 24 PDF 13 MB
- Item 24Appdx2- CYPTBoardReportAppendix2, item 24 PDF 50 KB View as HTML (24/7) 36 KB
- Item 24Appdx3- Suitability Chart - Youth Centres (2), item 24 PDF 55 KB View as HTML (24/8) 30 KB
- Item 24Appdx4- myplace YP summaryAppendix4, item 24 PDF 87 KB View as HTML (24/9) 38 KB
1. That the need analysis maps, suitability survey, draft Strategy for Change Framework and consultation with key stakeholders be noted.
2. That the proposal to submit a Myplace bid with the main focus being the redevelopment of the 67 Centre in Moulsecoomb be approved, but with consideration given to linking this with smaller redevelopment projects in the other CYPT areas of the city.
3. That the proposal to work collaboratively with Hove YMCA to invite them to undertake more detailed work on the bid be approved.
24.1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning Myplace Strategy, which informed members about the preparations being undertaken to submit a bid for Myplace funding, which would provide capital funding to build ‘world class youth’ facilities in Brighton & Hove (for copy see minute book).
24.2 Members welcomed the report and sought clarification about the timeframe for the bid’s submission. The Commissioning Manager, Youth and Connexions Services, clarified that the outline proposal was for submission by 30 September 2008. The Director of Children’s Services also explained that the bid required Member approval and that, by bringing the proposal to the Board, officers wished to secure both Member and Partner approval.
24.3 Naima Nouidjem, Community & Voluntary Sector Forum, enquired whether this project took account of BME young people’s specific needs. The Assistant Director East Area, Early Years & NHS Commissioningexplained that the proposal was for a city wide strategy and, therefore, it was for every young person. He further explained that individual youth hubs should be talking to members of their community about the specific needs of those communities.
24.6 Simon Turpitt, South Downs Health, indicated that one of the challenges for the health partners was how to engage with young people in matters relating to health and enquired whether this could be addressed within those youth hubs. The Assistant Director East Area, Early Years & NHS Commissioning, hoped this could be a way forward in relation to this matter. The youth hubs were expected to be centres of excellence with integrated teams, providing locally based services in order to improve resources within the community. He indicated that officers would be bringing proposals to the next meeting of the Board meeting, outlining the mental health issues for young people.
24.7 RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Board accepted the following recommendation:
(1) That the need analysis maps, suitability survey, draft Strategy for Change Framework and consultation with key stakeholders be noted.
(2) That the proposal to submit a Myplace bid with the main focus being the redevelopment of the 67 Centre in Moulsecoomb be approved, but with consideration given to linking this with smaller redevelopment projects in the other CYPT areas of the city.
(3) That the proposal to work collaboratively with Hove YMCA to invite them to undertake more detailed work on the bid be approved.