Issue - items at meetings - Shared Lives (Tender contract)
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Shared Lives (Tender contract)
Meeting: 11/07/2014 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 38)
38 Shared Lives (Tender contract) PDF 88 KB
Report of the Executive Director for Adult Services (copy attached).
Additional documents:
That Committee approves the tendering of the Shared Lives and Kinship services through an approved procurement process during the financial year 2014-15 for the subsequent three to five years (i.e. contract period April 2015 to March 2018 with an option to extend by up to a further two years).
That delegated authority is granted to the Executive Director of Adult Services to approve the award of a contract to the successful bidders following recommendations of the tender evaluation panel and consultation with the Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health.
38.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Adult Services in relation to Shared Lives – Tender Contract. The report sought approval to award a contract for the provision of the Shared Lives and Kinship scheme for three years from 1 April 2015; the Council would have an option to extend the contract period by a maximum of two years.
38.2 In response to Councillor G. Theobald the Executive Director for Adult Services noted that the Committee had been in receipt of emails from the Grace Eyre Foundation; she provided assurance that the foundation had been involved in the consultation process, and Officers were happy to facilitate further dialogue if required.
38.3 Councillor A. Norman noted that she had received correspondence from the foundation; however, she was assured by the response from the Executive Director and that the concerns expressed would be properly addressed.
38.4 The Chair added that the dialogue had already been taking place, but that not all the community were aware; the new contract would also only apply to new placements.
38.5 The Chair then put the recommendation to the vote.
1) That Committee approves the tendering of the Shared Lives and Kinship services through an approved procurement process during the financial year 2014-15 for the subsequent three to five years (i.e. contract period April 2015 to March 2018 with an option to extend by up to a further two years).
2) That delegated authority is granted to the Executive Director of Adult Services to approve the award of a contract to the successful bidders following recommendations of the tender evaluation panel and consultation with the Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health.