Issue - items at meetings - Physical Disability Strategy 2009-2012
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Physical Disability Strategy 2009-2012
Meeting: 05/12/2008 - Adult Social Care & Health Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 40)
Physical Disability Strategy 2009-2012
Report of Director of Adult Social Care & Housing (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Item 40 - Physical Disability Strategy Cover report, item 40 PDF 87 KB View as HTML (40/2) 54 KB
- Item 40 Physical disabilty Strategy Final Draft Strategy, item 40 PDF 361 KB View as HTML (40/3) 276 KB
- Item 40 Appendix A Relevant Other Strategies1, item 40 PDF 83 KB View as HTML (40/4) 55 KB
- Item 40 Appendix B Public health report April 07, item 40 PDF 252 KB View as HTML (40/5) 208 KB
- Item 40 Appendix C; JSNA Adults with Physical Disabilities - 240907, item 40 PDF 234 KB View as HTML (40/6) 252 KB
(1) That the attached framework strategy be noted and endorsed.
(2) That the further development of the strategy informed by an updated Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and completion of a full Equalities Impact Assessment be agreed.
(3) That the Cabinet Member receives a further report in March 2009 following finalisation of the strategy and further consultation.
40.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of The Director of Adult Social Care & Housing which outlined the development of services for adults with physical disabilities over the next three years. The strategy was based on national and local policy and incorporated views that had been collected from service users and carers and had been developed in consultation and engagement with service users. (for copy see minutes book). It was intended that the strategy would be an interim document pending further development of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.
40.2 The General Manager, Adult Social Care reported that the strategy had been developed by a wide ranging steering group. The strategy had five overall objectives. More consultation would be carried out with service users and other key stakeholders such as voluntary sector and communities of interest. More work needed to be carried out on the financial framework. The strategy would be finalised in March 2009.
40.3 The Commissioner for Physical Disabilities, PCT reported that useful feedback had been received from the initial impact assessment. Useful comments had also been received from the International Day of Disabled People. The action plan would need to prioritise the work to be undertaken.
40.4 Councillor Lepper raised the following issues and questions:
· The forward plan stated that “the report will recommend endorsement by the Cabinet Member and the implementation of an action plan to drive the service improvements”. Why had the action plan not been submitted?
· As the final strategy would not be submitted until March 2009, how did this sit with the budget setting? Budget meetings took place in February. There would be budget pressures to consider in the implementation of the strategy.
· Councillor Lepper understood that a large number of people with learning disabilities had presented in the last year and asked why this was the case?
· Councillor Lepper’s main worry was the future of day care provision, and particularly the future of Montague House and those day centres with mixed use. Councillor Lepper asked the Cabinet Member if he could guarantee the future of Montague House and that no day centre would close as a result of the strategy.
40.5 The Director of Community Care, Adult Social Care replied that the strategy had been on the forward plan for today’s meeting. However, there had been complications in finalising the strategy. It had been particularly complicated for the Primary Care Trust who had not been able to complete the work on the financial part of the document. When the final strategy was completed it would include the action plan. In terms of additional people in the system, the projections in September 2007 for the coming year underestimated growth in the service. Numbers continued to grow. More people were presenting with neurological disorders and growth was unpredictable. Further work was needed on a Joint Need Assessment.
40.6 The General Manager, Adult Social Care stressed that there was a high level of people with neurological conditions. There was a projection of an increase in numbers of people. People were surviving longer with complex health needs.
40.7 The Commissioner for Physical Disabilities, PCT reported that there was a continuing growth in young people presenting with disorders.
40.8 The Cabinet Member informed Councillor Lepper that the Day Service provision was changing and would improve as a result. The personalisation agenda would be the biggest change. However, he confirmed that there were no plans to close Montague House.
40.9 The Director of Community Care, Adult Social Care reported that flats were being built with a community space at Vernon Gardens, and Patching Lodge would have a large community space. There were no plans to decrease the service at Montague House. However, people wanted to use individual budgets differently and this might change the service. With regard to the budget for 2009/2010, there were already plans for Vernon Gardens in progress and money was included in the Community Care Budget.
40.10 Councillor Lepper spoke of the link between the Physical Disability strategy and the Learning Disability Strategy. She queried why these strategies were the responsibility of two different Cabinet Members.
40.11 The Cabinet Member replied that learning disabilities had been the responsibility of Adult Social Care & Health. However, this had changed in March 2008, and learning disabilities was now the responsibility of the Cabinet Member for Housing.
40.12 The Head of Law informed the meeting that a report titled “Review of Learning Disabilities Governance Arrangements” had been submitted to the last Governance Committee. The recommendations had been agreed and would be submitted to Cabinet on 18 December 2008.
40.13 The Director of Community Care, Adult Social Care stressed that there was cross service discussion. The accommodation needs of physical disabilities and learning disabilities were similar.
40.14 It was confirmed that the chart on page 47 of the agenda should be amended so that Joint Commissioning Group read Joint Commissioning Board. Adult Social Care Committee should read Adult Social Care & Health Cabinet Member Meeting.
40.15 Finally, The Director of Community Care reported that the strategy would be presented in March 2009 with the action plan and financial implications of that plan over the next five years. The strategy was out for consultation and questions and comments were welcomed.
40.16 RESOLVED (1) That the attached framework strategy be noted and endorsed.
(2) That the further development of the strategy informed by an updated Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and completion of a full Equalities Impact Assessment be agreed.
(3) That the Cabinet Member receives a further report in March 2009 following finalisation of the strategy and further consultation.