Issue - items at meetings - Proposed Expansion of Saltdean Primary School to Three Forms of Entry from September 2015: outcomes of consultation

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Proposed Expansion of Saltdean Primary School to Three Forms of Entry from September 2015: outcomes of consultation

Meeting: 21/07/2014 - Children & Young People Committee (Item 22)

22 Proposed Expansion of Saltdean Primary School to Three Forms of Entry from September 2015: outcomes of consultation pdf icon PDF 76 KB

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(1)  That the Committee noted the responses to the consultation undertaken regarding the proposal in paragraph 1.1 of the report.


(2)  That the Committee agreed to the publication of the required Statutory Notices to progress this proposal.


(3) That the Committee agreed that following the statutory notice period the matter be further considered at the meeting of the Children Young People Committee on 13th October 2014 for a final decision.



22.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Children’s Services in relation to the proposed expansion of Saltdean Primary School to three forms of entry from September 2015.The report was introduced by the Head of Education Planning and Contracts and the Head of Capital Strategy.


22.2      Councillor Lepper noted the low number of responses to the consultation and wondered if relevant parties knew the process was being undertaken. The Head of Education Planning and Contracts said that the same consultation process was used for all schools, and the number of responses could vary. A public meeting was held in Saltdean to discuss the proposals.


22.3      Councillor Gilbey noted that the Committee had already agreed to allow two temporary classrooms for the school. The Chair agreed they had as additional space was needed for the start of the next academic year (September 2014).


22.4      Mr Jones asked if the Authority would provide a draft plan of the proposed expansion. The Head of Capital Strategy said that during the Statutory Notice period meetings would be held at the school and draft plans would be available; those meetings would be attended by both officers of the Authority and the architect. The plans would be available for the next meeting of the Committee.


22.5      RESOLVED:


(1)  That the Committee noted the responses to the consultation undertaken regarding the proposal in paragraph 1.1 of the report.


(2)  That the Committee agreed to the publication of the required Statutory Notices to progress this proposal.


(3) That the Committee agreed that following the statutory notice period the matter be further considered at the meeting of the Children Young People Committee on 13th October 2014 for a final decision.



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