Issue - items at meetings - Proposed Amalgamation of Hangleton Infant and Junior Schools from January 2015: outcomes of consultation

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Proposed Amalgamation of Hangleton Infant and Junior Schools from January 2015: outcomes of consultation

Meeting: 21/07/2014 - Children & Young People Committee (Item 21)

21 Proposed Amalgamation of Hangleton Infant and Junior Schools from January 2015: outcomes of consultation pdf icon PDF 76 KB

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(1)  The Committee noted the responses to the consultation undertaken regarding the proposal in 1.1 of the report.


(2)  The Committee agreed to the publication of the required Statutory Notices to progress this proposal and that the formal implementation date should be 1 September 2015.


(3)  The Committee agreed that following the statutory notice period the matter be referred back to the meeting of the Children and Young People Committee on 13 October 2014 for a final decision.


21.1      The Solicitor noted that Mr Jones had declared an interest in this item. As there was no substantive decision to be made, the Solicitor advised Mr Jones that he would be able to vote on the recommendations set out in the report.


21.2      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Children’s Services in relation to the proposed amalgamation of Hangleton Infant and Junior Schools. The report was introduced by the Head of Education Planning and Contracts.


21.3    The Committee were advised that there had been an amendment to Recommendation 2.2. The amendment was as follows:

To agree to the publication of the required Statutory Notices to progress this proposal. To agree to the publication of the required Statutory Notices to progress this proposal and that the formal implementation date should be 1 September 2015.


21.4    The Chair asked whether the amalgamation could be effective for the start of the next academic year, and was advised that it couldn’t as the Statutory Notices had to be published first.


21.5    RESOLVED:


(1)          The Committee noted the responses to the consultation undertaken regarding the proposal in 1.1 of the report.


(2)          The Committee agreed to the publication of the required Statutory Notices to progress this proposal and that the formal implementation date should be 1 September 2015.


(3)          The Committee agreed that following the statutory notice period the matter be referred back to the meeting of the Children and Young People Committee on 13 October 2014 for a final decision.


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