Issue - items at meetings - Life Events Mid year Fees and Charges Review

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Issue - meetings

Life Events Mid year Fees and Charges Review

Meeting: 16/10/2014 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 62)

62 Life Events Mid year Fees and Charges Review pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Report of the Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached).

Additional documents:


That the Committee approve the fees and charges for Life Events in Appendix 1 (Bereavement Services) and Appendix 3 (Registration).


62.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Finance & Resources in relation to Life events Midyear Fees and Charges Review. In line with the Corporate Fees & Charges Policy, Life Events services regularly reviewed its non-statutory fees and charges and compared them with neighbouring local authorities that provided the same or similar services. In addition comparisons had been made against other local private sector service providers. The proposals in the report would mitigate the income shortfalls being experienced in the service area in the current financial year and would place the service on a stronger footing for 2015/16.


62.2    Councillors Sykes thanked Officers for the work they had undertaken; he noted that the service as whole cost the Council money, and these proposals would allow these costs to be covered. It was noted that the majority of the income came from funeral directors, and there was still funds available through the National Funeral Support. Councillor Sykes noted the quality of the service that was provided, and hoped the Committee would support the report.


62.3    Councillor A. Norman noted that, whilst some of the increases would be to individuals at a very difficult time in their lives, the services provided were very good, and often better than other providers who charged notable more. She gave particular example of the services at Woodvale, and noted that the increases were reasonable and would allow the service to remain competitive.


62.4    It was confirmed for Councillor Peltzer Dunn that bookings made before the price increase would be honoured at the original lower price.


62.5    The Chair then put the recommendation to the vote:


62.6    RESOLVED: That the Committee approve the fees and charges for Life Events in Appendix 1 (Bereavement Services) and Appendix 3 (Registration).


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