Issue - items at meetings - Universal Infant Free School Meals and the School Food Plan
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Universal Infant Free School Meals and the School Food Plan
Meeting: 13/10/2014 - Children & Young People Committee (Item 43)
43 Universal Infant Free School Meals and the School Food Plan PDF 83 KB
Report of the Executive Director Children’s Services
Contact Officer: Susie Haworth Tel: 01273 293590
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Universal Infant Free School Meals and the School Food Plan, item 43 PDF 75 KB
- Enc. 2 for Universal Infant Free School Meals and the School Food Plan, item 43 PDF 955 KB
43.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Children’s Services in relation to Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) policy and the School Food Plan in Brighton and Hove. The report was presented by the School Meals Manager.
43.2 Councillor A Kitcat asked if there was any evidence to show whether the provision of school meals had any impact on children’s educational achievement and/or behaviour. The Assistant Director, Education and Inclusion said that national research had shown that having a meal at lunchtime was beneficial, but research was ongoing and the Authority would be speaking to schools and monitoring children’s behaviour.
43.3 Councillor Morgan thanked officers for the report, and asked if there was information on which schools provided breakfast clubs and whether free fruit was still provided for KS1 children. The Assistant Director, Education and Inclusion said that free fruit was still provided for all KS1 children and free milk for those under 5. If available, a list of those schools which provided breakfast clubs would be provided.
43.4 Councillor Wealls thanked all the staff who were involved with implementing the UIFSM policy.
43.5 Mike Jones said the provision of UIFSM had been challenging for School Governors, but with the support of the Authority the implementation had gone really well.
43.6 Councillor Lepper welcomed the report and thanked all those involved in ensuring that the UIFSM had been fully and properly implemented. Councillor Powell agreed and thanked everyone involved.
43.7 Alex Boyle noted that some schools may be expanded and asked for reassurance that they would have adequate provision to provide additional meals if necessary. The School Meals Manager said that staff had worked with those schools to ensure they would have the facilities to cater for extra pupils.
43.8 RESOLVED - That the Committee noted the report and welcomed the successful implementation of Universal Infant Free School Meals and the School Food Plan in the Brighton and Hove.