Issue - items at meetings - Review of Parking Standards for new development Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

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Review of Parking Standards for new development Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Meeting: 15/01/2015 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 53)

53 Review of Parking Standards for new development Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Report of the Executive Director, Environment, Development and Housing (copy attached)




Additional documents:


RESOLVED – (1) That the committee notes the outcome of the issues and options consultation undertaken prior to the development of new parking standards for new development;


(2) That the committee authorises the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing to undertake formal public consultation on the draft Parking Standards SPD, attached at Appendix 1, and request that a report on the results is brought to a future meeting of this committee; and


(3) That the committee requests that the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing prepares a best practice guidance document which shall include parking design and layout and that a draft document is brought to a future meeting of this committee.


53.1       The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Environment, Development and Housing seeking approval to undertake formal public consultation on the draft Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).


53.2    It was explained that it was intended that formal consultation would be undertaken for a six week period and would seek the views of stakeholders, developers, Councillors and residents. The report also sought committee support to undertake preparation of a best practice guidance note on parking design and layout which could take the form of a Planning Advice Note (PAN) and could be produced at a later date.


53.3    When considering new development proposals as part of the planning application process, the city council as both Planning and Highway Authority considered the transport provision and implications of the proposal and this would include the amount and standard of parking provision for vehicles and bicycles. An initial and consistent assessment was made by comparing the proposals with existing policies including the council’s current Supplementary Parking Guidance Note 4, SPG4 on parking standards for new development. The current document had been approved/adopted in 2000. The current standards in SPG4 needed to be updated, especially in the context of the current Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which indicated that local authorities were responsible for setting local parking standards and outlined matters that should be taken into account when doing so.


53.4    Councillor Brown stated that although she agreed that zoning was appropriate her group’s preference was that the figures given should set a “minimum” rather than a “maximum”. Councillor Brown stated that she could not support the concept of a maximum figure being applied. She also considered that there was a lack of clarity in relation to outlying areas of the city which were not well served by public transport and where individuals and families were more reliant on the ability to use their own transport, she feared that as framed parking could overspill from areas which were zoned into those where it was not, thus creating greater pressures on the available spaces in neighbouring areas. Councilllor Brown stated that whilst understanding that the standards could operate differently in different areas, she was disappointed that examples of how the formula had been/would be applied had not been provided, as this would have been of assistance to the Committee.


54.5    The Principal Transport Planning Officer explained that a flexible approach would be adopted and used on a case by case basis. It was also anticipated that some amendments would be made as a result of the consultation process.


54.6    Councillor Wealls stated that although he understood the rationale in broad terms he considered that the models and terminology were very complex, some of the uses appeared to be very fluid and he was in agreement that this could be very confusing, particularly in relation to areas away from the city centre and the manner in which different use classes could be more or less restrictive. In answer to questions it was explained that officers had also looked at the bench marks which were by other local authorities.


53.7    Councillors Mears and Simson concurred and Councillor Mears stated that she hoped that it would be possible to simplify/ explain some of the more technical language used or to provide a summary as part of the consultation process. If it was difficult to understand that could result in a low response rate.


53.8    Councillor Bowden, the Chair, stated that the points made had been noted and would be taken on board in so far as it was practicable to do so.


53.9    Councillors Deane and Randall welcomed the recognition that had been given to the role that car clubs could play and awaited the results of the consultation process with interest.


53.10  In answer to questions by Councillor Morgan, it was confirmed that the results of the consultation process would be reported back to the Committee in due course.


53.11  RESOLVED – (1) That the committee notes the outcome of the issues and options consultation undertaken prior to the development of new parking standards for new development;


(2) That the committee authorises the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing to undertake formal public consultation on the draft Parking Standards SPD, attached at Appendix 1, and request that a report on the results is brought to a future meeting of this committee; and


(3) That the committee requests that the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing prepares a best practice guidance document which shall include parking design and layout and that a draft document is brought to a future meeting of this committee.


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