Issue - items at meetings - Housing Standards Review Consultation 2014
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Housing Standards Review Consultation 2014
Meeting: 15/01/2015 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 61)
61 Housing Standards Review Consultation 2014 PDF 95 KB
Report of the Executive Director, Environment, Development and Housing (copy attached)
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 BHCC Response to DCLG's Housing Standards Review Consultation 2014, item 61 PDF 122 KB View as HTML (61/2) 76 KB
- Appendix 2 Process Chart for Proposed Optional Requirements, item 61 PDF 121 KB View as HTML (61/3) 586 KB
RESOLVED - That the Committee approves and endorses the officer response to the Government’s Housing Standards Review Consultation 2014 set out in Appendix 1 to the report.
61.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Environment, Development and Housing seeking approval and endorsement of the officer response sent on behalf of the council in response to the recent government consultation on the Housing Standards Review.
61.2 It was explained that the response had been submitted to the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) in order to meet the consultation deadline of 7 November 2014. The council’s response as noted as being subject to the approval and endorsement of the committee.
61.3 The Government proposals sought to revise guidance, requirements and standards set out in the Building Regulations, and to introduce a nationally recognised space standard. As part of the proposals the Government intended to wind down the Code for Sustainable Homes which contained requirements, applied through planning policy, relating to water use, waste storage, energy use, materials, pollution and ecology.
61.4 Councillor Randall stated that whilst he was able to support the proposed response, he had grave reservations in relation to the manner in which these standards would operate in practice. This had been discussed at Housing Committee at some length and would be raised through the appropriate channels. Councillor Mears stated that she was in agreement with a number of the concerns expressed by Councillor Randall but was also in agreement that the response was appropriate whilst concurring that a number of issues arising needed to be highlighted as part of robust and continuing dialogue.
61.5 The Executive Director of Environment, Development and Housing stated that he was aware of the concerns raised by Councillors Randall and Mears and , they would be conveyed back to the appropriate cross party working group in the first instance.
61.6 RESOLVED - That the Committee approves and endorses the officer response to the Government’s Housing Standards Review Consultation 2014 set out in Appendix 1 to the report.