Issue - items at meetings - Annual Standards Report for Children in Care (Early Headlines)
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Annual Standards Report for Children in Care (Early Headlines)
Meeting: 17/11/2014 - Children & Young People Committee (Item 57)
Report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services
Contact Officer: Mark Storey Tel: 01273 294271
57.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director for Children’s Services in relation to the Annual Standards report for Children in Care. The report was introduced by the Virtual School Head Teacher. The report updated the Committee on recent results for Children in Care and informed the Committee on the proposed priorities of the new Head Teacher of the Virtual School.
57.2 Councillor A Kitcat asked if a fuller report would be provided for Councillors. The Virtual School Head Teacher said that the full Annual Standards report would be presented at the next meeting of the Corporate Parenting Board and more information provided at a future meeting of the Children & Young People Committee.
57.3 Councillor A Kitcat noted that the report gave a lot of percentages for what the children had achieved but not the actual number of children, and asked if that information was available. The Virtual School Head Teacher said that it would be included in the fuller report which would be going to Corporate Parenting Board. Riziki Millanzi agreed with Councillor A Kitcat, and said that the actual number of children would be useful.
57.4 Alex Boyle referred to paragraphs 3.3.1 – 3.3.3 in the report and asked if there were reasons why children in care locally were above the national average for KS4, but below for KS1 and KS2. The Virtual School Head Teacher said the percentages had been included in the report, but comparisons could be misleading; if there was a small cohort the figures could be misleading. This year those in KS4 had performed well, which was good, but last year it was below the national average.
57.5 Riziki Millanzi asked whether the Virtual School dealt with children themselves or through agencies. The Head Teacher of the Virtual School said it was both. Some children were aware the Virtual School existed and dealt with them direct, but sometimes they didn’t as they didn’t want the children to feel that there was another service was observing them.
57.6 Councillor Simson asked if children were supported through university. The Chair said that children are supported until the age of 25,
(1) That the Committee noted the report
(2) That the Committee supported the initial priorities as outlined in the report.