Issue - items at meetings - Review of Section 106 Developer Contributions Temporary Recesssion Measures

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Issue - meetings

Review of Section 106 Developer Contributions Temporary Recesssion Measures

Meeting: 15/01/2015 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 54)

54 Review of Section 106 Developer Contributions Temporary Recession Measures pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Report of the Executive Director, Environment, Development and Housing (copy attached)


RESOLVED - That the Committee agrees not to renew the Section 106 Developer Contributions Temporary Recession Measures and that they no longer apply after 31st January 2015.




54.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Environment, Development and Housing seeking approval not to renew the Section 106 Developer Contributions Temporary Recession Measures and that they would no longer apply with effect from 31 January 2015.


54.2    It was noted that it was proposed that Paragraph 3.7 the report be amended and that after the last sentence the following wording be added:


            For clarification the seeking of financial contributions under SPDs 08, Sustainable Building Design and SPD 11–Nature Conservation and Design will remain suspended until the adoption of the City Plan.


54.3    The rationale for the proposed amendment was that under recession matters no financial contributions were to be sought under SPDs 8 and 11 until the City Plan had been adopted. As the Committee was being asked not to renew the recession measures, unless amended as suggested, full implementation of the measures in SPD 8 and SPD 11 would be required even though the City Plan had yet to be adopted. The proposed amendment sought to clarify this point.


54.4    Councillor Mears supported the report recommendations and requested further information regarding the number of planning permissions granted during any given year. The Head of Planning and Development agreed to provide this information to Councillor Mears following the meeting and the Chair, Councillor Bowden agreed that it would be appropriate for this information to be circulated to all Members of the Committee.


54.5    In answer to questions, the Head of Planning and Development explained that the proposals would pave the way towards charging developers for pre-application advice, although it was intended that this would continue to be provided to householders free of charge. This would be taken forward as part of the budget process at the appropriate time.


54.6    Councillor Deane welcomed the proposals, as Developers could make significant sums from major projects in the city. Councillor Deane considered it was appropriate that they would ultimately be commensurate with the high standard of professional officer advice available to them. It was also important that Section 106 contributions were sought when this was appropriate. Councillors Hawtree and Randall concurred in that view.


54.7    RESOLVED – (1)That the Committee agrees not to renew the Section 106 Developer Contributions Temporary Recession Measures and that they no longer apply after 31 January 2015; and


            (2) The Committee is asked to note that the seeking of financial contributions under SP08 - Sustainable Building Design and SPD 11 – Nature Conservation and Design will remain suspended until the adoption of the City Plan.


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