Issue - items at meetings - Procurement of Schools Management Information Systems (MIS)

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Issue - meetings

Procurement of Schools Management Information Systems (MIS)

Meeting: 19/03/2015 - Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) (Item 166)

166 Procurement of Schools Management Information Systems (MIS) pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Joint report of the Interim Executive Director for Finance & Resources and the Executive Director for Children’s Services (copy attached).

Additional documents:


That the Committee authorise the Executive Director Finance & Resources to:


1)            Award a call-off contract between the Council and Capita under the ESCC Framework Agreement for the provision of management information systems (‘MIS’) for maintained schools in Brighton & Hove for a period of four years.  MIS are the primary suite of integrated business software applications for schools, covering all aspects of school management ranging from pupil admissions, registration, timetabling and assessment through to school financial management and human resources management.  The aggregated data held in the MIS form the basis of school statutory returns and corporate management information.


2)            Extend the initial term of the call-off contract for up to an additional two years, if the Executive Director Finance & Resources considers that it is still delivering value for money.



166.1    RESOLVED: That the Committee authorise the Executive Director Finance & Resources to:


1)        Award a call-off contract between the Council and Capita under the ESCC Framework Agreement for the provision of management information systems (‘MIS’) for maintained schools in Brighton & Hove for a period of four years.  MIS are the primary suite of integrated business software applications for schools, covering all aspects of school management ranging from pupil admissions, registration, timetabling and assessment through to school financial management and human resources management.  The aggregated data held in the MIS form the basis of school statutory returns and corporate management information.


2)        Extend the initial term of the call-off contract for up to an additional two years, if the Executive Director Finance & Resources considers that it is still delivering value for money.


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