Issue - items at meetings - Relationships and sex education guidance for educational settings
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Relationships and sex education guidance for educational settings
Meeting: 12/01/2015 - Children & Young People Committee (Item 67)
67 Relationships and sex education guidance for educational settings PDF 655 KB
Report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services
Contact Officer: Sam Beal Tel: 01273 293533
(1) That the Committee approved the final draft (with minor amendments) of Brighton & Hove Relationships and Sex Education Guidance for Educational Settings Guidance (2015).
(2) That the Committee continued to support the continued improvement of relationships and sex education within a planned programme of PSHE Education.
67.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director for Children’s Services regarding the final draft of the ‘Brighton & Hove Relationships and Sex Education Guidance for Educational Settings Guidance (2015). The report was introduced by Partnership Adviser: Health and Wellbeing, Standards and Achievement Team.
67.2 The Chair noted that the guidance was for ‘educational settings’, and asked if it was intended to only be used by schools. The Partnership Adviser: Health and Wellbeing, Standards and Achievement Team advised that it was primarily aimed at schools.
67.3 Councillor Wealls suggested that it would be useful for officers to hold a seminar for School Governors to talk through the guidance. The Partnership Adviser: Health and Wellbeing, Standards and Achievement Team said they would consider that. Councillor Wealls noted that section 10.11 of the guidance referred to a ‘lad culture’ at universities and asked if that was really the case. He was advised that that was a quote from research, but there was still an area of sexism which needed to be noted and challenged where necessary. The chair suggested it might be preferable to modify the wording in that part of the guidance.
67.4 Councillor Littman referred to Section 10, and noted that the section on ‘Pleasure’ was listed at number 14, and suggested that as this area was so important it should be listed earlier. He was advised that the order of the topics had been done alphabetically, but consideration would be given to re-ordering the list.
67.5 Ben Glazebrook understood that how the curriculum on relationships and sex education was delivered varied between schools; some schools had mixed year groups which could impact on students being able to fully discuss the issues being raised. He was advised that best practice was suggested but it was down to schools how they dealt with the matter.
67.6 The Committee thanked officers for the report.
(1) That the Committee approved the final draft (with minor amendments) of Brighton & Hove Relationships and Sex Education Guidance for Educational Settings Guidance (2015).
(2) That the Committee continued to support the continued improvement of relationships and sex education within a planned programme of PSHE Education.