Issue - items at meetings - New Homes for Neighbourhoods – Selsfield Drive
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New Homes for Neighbourhoods – Selsfield Drive
Meeting: 14/01/2015 - Housing Committee (pre 2015) (Item 61)
61 New Homes for Neighbourhoods – Selsfield Drive PDF 94 KB
Report of the Executive Director for Environment Development & Housing (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for New Homes for Neighbourhoods – Selsfield Drive, item 61
- Webcast for New Homes for Neighbourhoods – Selsfield Drive
(1) That it is agreed that the Estate Regeneration team in conjunction with the council’s Sustainable Futures strategic construction partnership undertake final feasibility studies, design and development of new council housing on the site of the former Housing Office in Selsfield Drive under the New Homes for Neighbourhoods Programme.
61.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Environment, Development and Housing which informed Members that in September 2012 the Housing Committee agreed the procurement of initial feasibility and design of identified case studies for housing opportunities on appropriate HRA land, including stakeholder engagement and consultation. Since then the Estate Regeneration Team had commissioned business cases for a number of potential infill sites to establish the financial viability and design feasibility of developing new council homes in these locations. The report included the findings of the business case for the former Housing Office site at Selsfield Drive, Brighton. The report was presented by the Project Manager, Estate Regeneration Team.
61.2 Councillor Meadows noted that the development would be a five storey block and asked if there would be a lift. The Project Manager replied that the development would have lifts.
61.3 The Chair confirmed that there would be a further report which would provide details of the final design of the development.
61.4 RESOLVED – (1) That it is agreed that the Estate Regeneration team in conjunction with the council’s Sustainable Futures strategic construction partnership undertake final feasibility studies, design and development of new council housing on the site of the former Housing Office in Selsfield Drive under the New Homes for Neighbourhoods Programme.