Issue - items at meetings - Housing Management Performance Report Quarter 2 2014/15
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Housing Management Performance Report Quarter 2 2014/15
Meeting: 14/01/2015 - Housing Committee (pre 2015) (Item 55)
55 Housing Management Performance Report Quarter 2 2014/15 PDF 260 KB
Report of the Executive Director for Environment Development & Housing (copy attached).
Additional documents:
(1) That the report, which was submitted to Area Panels in December 2014, be noted along with comments made by the Committee.
55.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Environment, Development and Housing which set out the performance for the second quarter of the financial year 2014/15. The report was presented by the Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement.
55.2 The Chair asked for an explanation of the final column in the table at paragraph 4.4.2 (Reports of ASB incidents by ward during the quarter). The Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement replied that this column showed the total number of cases per 1000 tenancies. There were some wards where there were no tenants at all.
55.3 Councillor Daniel referred to the table in paragraph 4.41 (Reports of ASB incidents by type). She was concerned that the intimidation being experienced was not recorded in the Crime and Disorder Implications. This matter was relevant to crime and disorder. Councillor Daniel noted that the table showing ward incidents under paragraph 4.4.2 showed an increase in incidents in Queen’s Park. She asked if there was any reason for this and what could be done to address the problem.
55.4 The Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement replied that she did not have the detail on the nature of cases. However, over the past year officers had taken special steps to encourage people to report Anti-Social behaviour. There had been a significant increase in Queen’s Park. Out of 98 cases in the city involving drugs and alcohol, 56 cases were in Queens Park Ward.
55.5 The Chair stressed that the problem was being tackled. He had attended a meeting of all the organisations involved. There had been a great deal of trouble in one or two blocks.
55.6 The Head of Tenancy Services informed Members that a report was going to be submitted to the Area Panels and the next Housing Committee looking at this issue and putting options forward to tackle the problem. Pilot work was being carried out in Warwick Mount. A more detailed action plan was being developed after the recent murder.
55.7 Councillor Wilson referred to paragraph 4.2, in relation to emergency repairs. A previous Housing Committee report had approved £480,000 for the cost of fire safety and asbestos. There had been a recent incident at Kebbell Lodge where a fire alarm went off for eight hours. She asked how this was going to impact the emergency repair report. Councillor Wilson referred to paragraph 4.0.2 – Tenants in arrears by amount. It looked like 25% of tenants were in some level of arrears. It would be good to see if this was fluctuating over a period of time. Could this information be added on a quarterly basis.
55.8 The Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement replied that there was an increase in arrears. She could provide information on this subject to Councillor Wilson. She was not aware why the fire alarm at Kebbell Lodge had rung for 8 hours.
55.9 Councillor Wilson stated that it would be useful to have this information provided to the next meeting. She suggested that there should be contact with the tenants by way of apology.
55.10 Councillor Meadows was alarmed to see the figures on tenants’ arrears. Tenants needed to be given advice on budgeting. Money had been allocated to help tenants deal with arrears in the past. She asked if that money was still available.
55.11 The Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement replied that funding was still available to provide support to tenants. 100 tenants had received help or had received discretionary housing payments. These were short term measures. Officers were trying to arrange for people to pay a proportion in arrears each week. There were many people who were not in receipt of full housing benefit. They had to be reassessed regularly. People were finding it difficult to keep up with payments.
55.12 The Chair stressed that there was a programme of support for tenants.
55.13 Councillor Mears referred to the table in paragraph 4.0.1, relating to the percentage of rent collected as proportion of rent due each year by area. She had checked the figures from 4 years ago and East was in the lowest position. Councillor Mears suggested that there should be a concentrated piece of work to investigate this problem which was historic. The Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement replied that officers did carry out targeted work in East Brighton.
55.14 Councillor Peltzer Dunn commented that there appeared to be a technical issue with regard to 40% of tenants in arrears. He had asked for a quarterly update. The figures presented were historic not current figures. Councillor Peltzer Dunn referred to the table on page 80 of the agenda in relation to general needs and sheltered long term empty properties (6 weeks or more). He pointed out that a property in South Portslade had been ready to let for almost a year.
55.15 The Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement replied that she could provide more information to the next meeting.
55.16 RESOLVED - (1) That the report, which was submitted to Area Panels in December 2014, be noted along with the above comments made by the Committee.