Issue - items at meetings - Fees & Charges 2015/16 - Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
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Fees & Charges 2015/16 - Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
Meeting: 15/01/2015 - Economic Development & Culture Committee (Item 52)
52 Fees & Charges 2015/16 - Assistant Chief Executive Directorate PDF 118 KB
Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (copy attached)
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1a - Libraries Information Services, item 52 PDF 224 KB
- Appendix 1b - Comparisons with other authorities, item 52 PDF 75 KB
- Appendix2 1,RoyalPavilionMuseums, item 52 PDF 27 KB
- Appendix2, 2 RoyalPavilionMuseums, item 52 PDF 90 KB
- Appendix2, 3 RoyalPavilionMuseums, item 52 PDF 18 KB
- Appendix2, 4 RoyalPavilionMuseums, item 52 PDF 9 KB
- Appendix 3 - Seafront, item 52 PDF 94 KB
- Appendix4, 1 SportsFacilities, item 52 PDF 29 KB
- Appendix4, 2 SportsFacilities, item 52 PDF 74 KB
- Appendix4, 3 SportsFacilities, item 52 PDF 12 KB
- Appendix4, 4 SportsFacilities, item 52 PDF 95 KB
- Appendix4, 5 SportsFacilities, item 52 PDF 29 KB
- Appendix4, 6 SportsFacilities, item 52 PDF 26 KB
- Appendix 5 - Brighton Centre, item 52 PDF 77 KB
- Appendix 6 - Outdoor Events, item 52 PDF 75 KB
RESOLVED – (1) That the committee approves the fees and charges for the Royal Pavilion for 2016/17 in Appendix 2 to the report with consideration and decision in respect of all other fees and charges to be reserved for discussion at Budget Council on 26 February 2015.
Note: The committee agreed that with the exception of the proposed fees and charges for the Royal Pavilion for 2016/217 as set out in Appendix 2 to the report, consideration of all other fees and charges be deferred for discussion at Budget Council.
52.1 The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive representing and seeking approval to the review of fees and charges across six service areas: Libraries, Royal Pavilion and Museums, Seafront, Sports Facilities, Venues and Outdoor Events. The changes would be implemented from April 2015 unless otherwise stated.
52.2 The Assistant Chief Executive explained that Fees and charges for services were reviewed annually in line with the Corporate Fees & Charges Policy. As a minimum, all fees and charges were increased by the corporate rate of inflation which had been set at 2.0%. This was the same percentage by which income budgets would be increased. For the Sports Facilities Contract there was a formula to calculate the inflationary price increase linked to the All Items Retail Prices Index Excluding Mortgage Interest Payments (RPIX). The increase calculated for 2015/16 was 2.63%.
52.3 The council’s Financial Regulations required that any proposed increases in fees and charges over and above inflation were agreed by the council. They also stated that it is good practice to report on fees and charges that are rising by inflation only.
52.4 It was stressed that the proposals also needed to be viewed in the context of the very challenging financial position facing the council, with an estimated £102m savings requirement by 2019/20. A range of the proposals in the report to increase fees and charges above the inflation rate sought to increase income and achieve budget savings with increased income targets.
52.5 The Chair, Councillor Bowden explained that discussions in relation to the report recommendations which had taken place with the opposition spokespersons had indicated that they considered it appropriate for discussion and approval of recommendations 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 to be reserved for the meeting of Full Council on 26 February 2015-at which the Budget for 2016/17 would be agreed. If the Committee agreed to this, it would be necessary however, for the proposed fees and charges for the Royal Pavilion and Preston Manor for 2016/17 to be agreed at that meeting. This was necessary in order that that this information could be provided for trade/tourism and other relevant publications which were prepared a year in advance.
52.6 Having agreed to this approach Members had the opportunity to ask questions and Councillor Mears requested supporting information in respect of the proposed arrangements and charges for Saltdean Library. It was agreed that the Head of the Library and Information Service would provide this information to the Committee independently of the meeting.
52.7 RESOLVED – (1) That the committee approves the fees and charges for the Royal Pavilion and Preston Manor for 2016/17 set out in Appendix 2 to the report with consideration and decision in respect of all other fees and charges to be reserved for discussion at Budget Council on 26 February 2015.
Note: The committee agreed that with the exception of the proposed fees and charges for the Royal Pavilion for 2016/217 as set out in Appendix 2 to the report, consideration of all other fees and charges be deferred for discussion at Budget Council.